Chapter: 35

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Masumi POV

The next day, after the whole drama and crap, where Kyoya destroys the camera lens and Renge finally opens her otaku eyes like what the hell. Anyway, at clubs overs. The girls exclaim about the film and shit. I sigh.

I look at Haruhi with a snicker, "Where's my ten buck?"

"Tsk!" She hands me the money.

We simply made a bet about the film. She should've known that would happen. After all, she's been here longer than I. Little did she know...I was in this with Kyoya who give me 15% of the profit if I help him and the crew with the film as I spread it once it's done. Easy job if I say so myself.

After that, Renge tried to take Haruhi away became she fallen over heels for her, ever since Haruhi save her life and taught her a life lesson. I laugh as Tamaki tried to get him back, "What a loser."


During class, someone came in. My eyes widen when I saw who it is.

I stand quickly up, "Rei-kun, why are you here?"

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I stand quickly up, "Rei-kun, why are you here?"

"Well you see, I have to get out of town for a while. Since I couldn't deliver your guitar at home," He shows me my guitar that's in the case, "I decided to drop it here on my way. Sorry for any inconvenience."

"It's okay," I take it off his hands.

He smile, "I'm glad you're showing your face again. Anyway, see ya later." I nod. Before he left, he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I turn to see everyone is watching. I awkwardly went back to my seat with my guitar beside me.


Everyone question me nonstop about what happened. ANNOYING AS FUCK! I glare at them which made them move away from me. I sigh. The children are spending time with my aunt and uncle so I'm free from babysitting. Hurray! I love them and all but they're so much work! Like god!

During club hours, the girls who would be near after my glare is Sasha, Maple, and Kiki. We simply drink tea but I notice they're glancing at my guitar and most likely what happened this morning. I let out a sigh and lead back with my hands behind my head.

"Rei, the guy that showed up, is an old friend of my father and the guy who takes care of my guitar when something is wrong with it or I couldn't fix it myself," I explain to them which surprise them. I could tell everyone is eavesdropping. Stupid pigs. I continue, "He's going out of town in a hurry so he couldn't drop my guitar off at my house. Since he was nearby, he decided to give it to me."

"If you don't mind...Can you sing for us?" Maple asks shyly.

I look at my guitar, "It's been a while since I played..." I glance at them before smiling, "Sure. Since you've been good little girls." They blush.

I take out my guitar and start adjusting the sound so it could sound better. I clear my throat before singing one of my songs called Treat You Better. (I don't own it so don't kill me.)

Third POV

Everyone is completely captured by Masumi's voice. It's as if he's a siren and they are the sailors. It almost seems like he's trying to lure them to his nonexistent trap. It's so beautiful, so angelic but it isn't. Something about it just...Trap them in a trance. So hypnotized, no one notices someone is opening the door.

"Onii—" Masumi's sister, Nathan, her aunt, and her uncle stop when they hear Masumi singing.

The second Masumi Aunt saw her, tears roll down her cheeks. To her...It look like her sister but the more she watch, the more she saw Masumi, not her beloved sister. Something clicks inside of her.

Once the song is over, his aunt immediately engulfs him into a hug, crying. Hearing him sing again reminds her the sweet moments when Masumi was younger instead of his mother and father. His voice...He used to sing for her. She always love her sweet voice. He has talent. He could've become an idol but ever since her twin brother was born, Masumi felt like he needs to be with his brothers instead of going around the world. Then again...It's probably his brother's instinct to do so.

To care for them.

Help them.

Protect them.

Love them.

Forever by their side until they could walk on their two own feet and no longer need him to be by their side. Masumi would watch them grow and watch them run forward to their goal.

Masumi glance at Kyoya who nods at her. Masumi holds onto her aunt and went home with everyone.

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