Chapter: 9

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Masumi POV

The next morning, I am walking to school until I bump into Haruhi. She smiles as we both greet each other and walk to school together. She talks about her life and how her dad wants to see me again since he worried. Haruhi doesn't know exactly why and I'm glad she doesn't.

When we're walking into the school, the same three girls walk towards us, blushing. The three stutters and fiddle around with their fingers as we wait patiently for them to say something. Girls are strange creatures sometimes. I thought.

Then finally, one of them says up, "we w-would like to th-thank you for s-saving us yesterday, Tsukasa-san!" The three bow causing me and Haruhi to sweatdrop.

"Uh okay. There's no need to thank me. It's no problem at all," I said. They stand up unsure as they mutter incoherent words. I sigh before speaking and patting one of the girl's head with a smile, "it's fine. As long as you're safe, it's cool." Their face turns bright red like fresh healthy tomato and I could've sworn steam is coming out of their ears. I awkwardly speak, "I'm just gonna go to my class before I'm late so cya."

Haruhi and I walk to class, not knowing a couple of people are watching us.

Haruhi snicker, "Looks like you're good with the ladies."

I roll my eyes, "oh shut up Haruhi."

She laughs, "but seriously, if the Host Club saw you now, they want you to join and assist them to entertain girls. Especially Kyoya, the Shadow King."

"Tsk. Over my dead body," I scoff, "besides, I highly doubt it."

"Just because you have rumors all around you, doesn't mean you aren't good looking," she grins.

"Hmph. I'm not that good looking of a guy."

"Oh shush. You're hot and don't you deny it. You could have every girl fall for you if you try, without breaking any sweat. I bet you could easily beat Tamaki."

"Girl, I could beat Tamaki in anything as he is an idiot despite being smart," we both laugh and made our way to class.

I couldn't help but feel someone is watching us. I turn to look, no one is there. Even if I can't see, that doesn't mean they're not out there. I'm probably just being paranoid.

I continue on my conversation with Haruhi, ignoring the eyes behind our backs. I better be careful. Who knows what will happen to me or Haruhi. I just hope they're not too dangerous.

Little did I know, it is.

Haruhi POV

During study hall, I went to the library with Masumi to work on our project together. I laugh at the jokes he made. I swear, he's the only normal guy I met in this school and fanfiction so far. It's hard to look for someone like him. No, I don't have romantic feelings for him. He's like an older brother to me. I like it since I was always alone and an only child.

"Hey, Masumi-kun, would you mind telling me what happens to your family?" I ask all of a sudden. He looks at me surprised. I panicked, "O-oh! Um, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

He chuckles a little which causes me to blush out of embarrassment. He ruffles my hair, "It's fine. Well, you see, my family is dead which is caused by a car crash. One day, I was sick on my two younger siblings, twins to be exact, by the way, debuted for their musical talent. After that, my family thought they would get me something since they felt bad for leaving me behind but I didn't mind though.

As they were driving home, a crazy truck driver that robbed a bank ran through a red light and hit them. I believe you know the rest after that. I ended up living with my favorite aunt and her husband. You know, it's sad that I wasn't able to see them perform live one last time. I always wonder, if I didn't get sick, would they still be alive? From time to time, I blame myself for being the cause of their death."

My eyes widen when I see him tear up a bit. He quietly wipes them away and gives me a smile, "I already know I'm not the reason and I know I cannot dwell on the past because if I do, they'll be so disappointed in me. That's the last thing I want from them because I love them and I know they want me to keep moving forward instead of censuring myself mindlessly."

"I...I never knew you could be this strong," I mumble, staring at him before looking away guiltily, "I'm sorry that I ask something so personal all of a sudden. We only know each other for a couple of weeks."

He pats my head, "It's okay, Haruhi-kun. I didn't mind telling you my story."

We both smile at each other until two pairs of arms, each grab one of my arms and scurry away, taking me with them. Masumi blinks a couple of times, trying to process what the hell just happen.

Then he shrugs it off and concluded, "It's the Host Club. Definitely the Host Club. I'm just gonna go to my spot and nap." With that, he left, being such a wonderful friend!

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