Chapter: 55

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Masumi POV

When we arrive, I stand there in shock as the basket falls out of my hand. The sight of the Host Club...The people who hate me the most on earth...The reason why I decided to leave my old home...

"Haruhi-Chan...? you guys...?" I croak out, clearly confused and scared.

They all look up to the sound of my voice. Their eyes widen in surprise. Haruhi stands up, "I'm sorry Masumi-Chan! I didn't mean to bring them here!"

"I-It's alright. It's wasn't your fault," I smile at her and only at her, "After all, there's nothing you could do about it." I pick up the basket and look at them. I sigh in relief, "Thank goodness that the flowers alright. It'll be a shame if they go to waste." I look at Haruhi again, "Can you be a sweetheart and show us where Misuzu-chi, please? I would love to give him our gifts. And as for the ladies who are accompanying me needs to check-in."

"Ah yes! Follow me!" Haruhi moves away from the host club and leads us inside. We follow her. I paid no mind to the club members as I walk by them. I pull Hayami so she doesn't go to them. Who knows what's they'll do to her or what they'll say to her so I made sure she quickly goes inside.

"M-Masumi," Tamaki tries to reach out to me.

I instinctively shut my eyes, embracing the impact. I guess living with my abusive Aunt had taken quite a toll on me. How pathetic...Getting scared of getting hit from the ones I hold close.

When I didn't feel anything, I slowly open my eyes and see him in sadness. Along with everyone else. Haruhi wall over and take my hand. She looks at them, "How ever long you're staying, please refrain from going near her." With that, she drag me inside.

I looking over my shoulder a little, seeing them filled full of guilt, regrets, and sadness. Confusing me. I look over at Takashi who...seem to taken it hard the most. I wonder why.

I greet Misuzu happily as I hand her the flowers, stating Hayami pick them out herself. Misuzu takes them gratefully and thanks us as he pats Hayami's cute little head of hers. After that, Misuzu checks the girls in and show them to their rooms. Hayami comes running over to me, wanting me to pick her up. I laugh and did just that. I pick her up and toss her in the air. She laughs as I catch her and hold her securely.

"Again! Again!" She said.

I poke her cheek, "no thank you. You're getting heavier every day. Maybe you should lay off the cake and sweet." She pout. I laugh and kisses her cheek.

Tamaki POV

Masumi right there...Right in front of her. Safe and sound. But...her eye...Her right eye. I stare at it, It's no longer there...She lost it...Trying to protect Haruhi. She was a girl all along and here we thought Haruhi was the only princess. I treated her horribly, thinking she was a guy. I believe all guys should protect the girls, the damsels in distress.

I tried to touch her but the way she reacts made me pull back. It's as if...she believed I would hit her. I would never do that, even if she made a mistake. it got me thinking...

Has she been abused...?

We watch her being happy around people who aren't us. She avoids any eye contact. Not even to Takashi who we all know that she has a crush on him as he has a crush on her. She's right in front of us and yet...we can't fix it. We don't know how to fix it.

God...What should we do...?

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