Chapter: 13

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Third POV

Tamaki and his friends follow them the whole way to the hospital. Instead of following them inside, they act like idiots who sneak around. Somehow, they didn't get caught by the security guards like where the fuck they at? Are they lazy like those lazy but funny gatekeepers in Naruto? Welp, sorry to say, this ain't no Naruto fanfic that I always write about.

Anyway, the idiots manage to get inside the courtyard but hidden as they watch the scene before them. Their jaw drops when they saw children rushes over to Masumi and give him a warm, happy hug. Shocking to say at least, the aura that he usually gave out; cold, stoic, frightening yet a little warm when around Haruhi, turns into something that no one would expect to give out. He let out a warm, comfortable and safe feeling, almost like an older brother type of feel.

His smile is genuine as he ruffles their little heads. You could see sparkles and roses around them. Only two words that could describe how the host club are feeling; starstruck and disbelief. Masumi Tsukasa, AKA, the Rogue, who gets into a fight, cold to others, doesn't give a damn about anything, and always a loner. They continue to watch as he hands out toys to the children as most of their toys are old and possibly useless.

"Am I...seeing this right?" Kaoru questions to no one particular.

"Boys, it looks like we misjudge the young man as a whole," Tamaki exclaims as he cries, "My poor child! He must've been so lonely as he tries to bear the false rumors!"

"Yeah...I don't think he cares," The twins state with a deadpanned expression as they wave it off.

Tamaki gasps as he stood up, "How could you—?!"

They quickly cover his mouth and brought him down to the ground, "Quiet down, boss before we get caught!" They hiss before letting him go.

"I agree with them," Kyoya finally spoke as everyone turns to face him.

"Me too," Hani agree as Mori also agrees. Hani looks at Masumi who's smiling at the children, "Masumi is the type of person who doesn't care what other people think of him as long as the people he cares about are safe. To him, the rumors that people had created is nothing but a trivial matter."

"It appears we misjudge him wholeheartedly," Kyoya claims.

"He's a good guy," Mori finally mumbles.

Then all of a sudden, a child yell, "STRANGER! STRANGER DANGER!"

"We're not dangerous," Tamaki tries to use his charm as he's close to her but to no avail.

She starts wailing as she screams, "Masumi-neechan!"

All of a sudden, Tamaki got a punch in the face and flew far away like Team Rocket's faraway type of shit. The rest of the Host Club stood in fear Masumi glares at them angrily.

"You...Guys...?" Haruhi looks at them confuse as Masumi's rage disappears as she blankly look at them.

"Eh...?" Everyone stand in fear. Well, the children watch curiously as Masumi look at the Host Club blankly.

Masumi takes a deep breath before smiling at the Host Club. However, it isn't that warm and kind smile that he has been showing. It is cold, nonetheless, terrifying. The children are obviously oblivious or plainly amuse by this. "Go inside. Now. We need to have a little chat~" they all nod as they tremble in fear. Yes, even Takashi and our evil shadow king are terrified by Masumi. Even though he's shorter than them.

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