Chapter: 29

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Masumi POV

I eat my plain vanilla ice cream while the two sharing hot fudge sundae. The two look very happy as if they never had the luxury of having ice cream. I shrug it off, knowing I would most likely spoil the two. Well, maybe not too much. No need some spoil brats.

Anyway, once they finish their food, I wipe their faces before letting them go play in the playground. Meanwhile, I went to finish all of my work before we have to go to the club. I feel dreaded each minute that went by. When I check the time, it is time for us to go. Calling them over, they obediently come back to me. Holding each other hand, we walk to the Ouran Academy. The pinkest and annoying school that I ever went to. Meaning this is the only Barbie shit school that I ever attend to.

Upon arriving at school and in front of the club, opening the door and guess what. I am once again getting pummeled in the face by red rose petals. Crashing to the ground, Hayami cry, Nathan is in shock, and everyone but Kyoya, Takashi, and Haruhi is panicking what they're gonna do because they hurt the great Rogue.

Standing back up, I glare Tamaki and his foolish friends down. Hayami is hugging me while Nathan looks scared but trying to keep his composure since I'm not out of his blood. Picking Hayami and Nathan up, I went over to a couch with Kyoya following me from behind, holding a first aid kit that appears out of nowhere. He takes care of my face while Takashi pats my head to calm my ass down and Haruhi sigh at the idiocy of her club.

"Every time I come in here, they're better nothing comes flying into my faces or else," Masumi warn Tamaki who nods in fear.

Nathan's eyes shine, "I wanna be like Masumi-niisan." Hayami agrees.

The Ouran Host Club went pale white with an expression of worry and fear, easily displaying a message, 'Oh dear lord, please don't. One if enough.'

I snicker internally, Nah. I'm gonna raise them to be a fucken badass.


Now with my customers, Sasha, Kiki, and Maple, no kidding. These three, the club, and the children are the only ones who are willing to be near me. I did NOT mind at all because the others are either to be annoying or I could easily shut their mouth without getting people even more annoying. Anyway, I am oblivious to the girls who are in the room and blushing as I am smiling and spending time with Nathan and Hayami.

"You really love children, don't you?" Maple asks as she drinks tea.

"I really do. They're so adorable and lovable," I reply before sighing, "Even though they could be such evil creatures." the three girls laugh. Meanwhile, Hayami is pouting at that statement.

"Well, she isn't wrong," Nathan said, eyeing Hayami.

"Hmph!" Hayami pouts as she looks away.

I chuckle a little, not knowing about the girls squealing in the background. I take out a napkin and wipe away some frosting off her face since she was eating some cake. Then someone tugs on my shirt. I look and see it was Nathan.

"Niisan, I need to use the restroom," He informs me, clearly embarrassed.

I smile weakly before picking him up. Even though he's too old for it, he didn't mind, "Let's go." I look at my...I guess I could call them friends, "If you can, watch Hayami for me and excuse us, we'll be right back." The girls nod.

With that, I went to the restroom with Nathan. Even though he doesn't show it, he's shy and nervous in new places.

Third POV

All the high school girls squeal.

"Kyaa~! Masumi-San looks so freakin hot smiling!"

"I know right! I wish he smiles for us too!"

"He's so dreamy~ he's the perfect husband!"

"Definitely! Look how he dealt with his little brother and little sister."

The girls continue to chat about Masumi, ignoring the rest of the host club. Kyoya write things down in his notebook, Hani is eating cake with Usa-Chan, Mori is always by his side(who knows what he's thinking inside of his head), the twin pouts, and Tamaki is in his emo corner. Meanwhile, Haruhi sips on her tea, watching everything before her.

"Mommy! Masumi is taking away our customers!" Tamaki cries to Kyoya.

Kyoya fixes his glass, "I don't see a problem with that. Our profit grew much higher."

"But mommmyyy!" Tamaki whine, causing Haruhi to sweatdrop at him

"You know, if he keeps this up," Kaoru start and Hikaru finishes, "He'll be crown as the new king."

Tamaki's eyes widen as he gasps, "No! I'm supposed to be king! Mommy! Do something!"

"You do something. You're the one who wanted him to join." Kyoya retorts, continue writing things down.

The main reason why Kyoya doesn't want to deal with it is that Masumi could rise profit, using those pictures booklet. They still don't know about that. Lol. Speaking of...How exactly did he take those pictures without getting caught?... I guess that's a part of Kyoya's stalking ability.

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