Chapter: 33

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Masumi POV

I look VERY amuse when I see the whole Host Club. The children look also confused when they see them because I only mentioned Haruhi would be there. I look at Haruhi who look guilty. I simply sigh, knowing what had happened. Here's my thought.

Haruhi accepted last night. Then after that, someone, possibly the twins because they're the ones who give her a phone in the first place, text her to hang out. H=Haruhi T=Twins

T: Haruhi-Chan, let's hang out tomorrow.

H: No. I have plans.

T: Can we join?

H: No way!

T: please!

H: No

T: Pretty please!

H: No. Now shut up.



After that, the twins spam her. She shut off her phone and went to bed. The Twins start to panic when she didn't answer anything back the very next morning. Which lead to contacting Tamaki which made Tamaki being overdramatic and shit. He calls up the rest of the peeps and here they are now.

Honey and Takashi greeted us normally while I made sure the children stay away from Kyoya who's practically oozing black stuff out of him. The twins got their tickets while Tamaki talks about how Haruhi is going on a date with some vicious dog, meaning me, and the children like some family. I shake my head as Haruhi smack the crap out Tamaki and scold him.

I look down at the children, "Don't ever be like Tamaki-Baka." They nod.

I look at the bunch of 'children' who practically following Haruhi anywhere when she mentioned something. I look at Haruhi, "Is it possible to disown the twins and Tamaki-San?"

"Yes we can," Haruhi agreed.

The twins and Tamaki gasps. Twin attached to us, rubbing their face against our arms like a cat. Meanwhile, Tamaki is shaking Kyoya, "MOMMY! MY DAUGHTER AND DOGGY ARE BEING MEAN!"

My eye twitched, "You know what, I'm only disowning you, Tamaki." The twins' snickers while Tamaki cry.

But then Tamaki went to the corner when Kyoya agreed with me. It seems Tamaki got onto Kyoya's bad side in the morning. I sigh and shake my head.

"Can we go inside already, please?" Hayami asks, looking up at me.

"Yes, please?" Nathan looks at me.

"Sure," I said.

I take their hands and we all walk inside, leaving Tamaki who chases us, "WAIT FOR ME!"


Everything is fun and enjoyable. Honey and the children ride together. There were times when I had to watch them, then Takashi, and Haruhi. Sometimes Kyoya when he wasn't feeling too well. UHEM, blame it on Tamaki. During times like these, there were rides we could go on like mini water slides or family stuff. We ate cotton candy and some little meal that the amusement park provided.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Anyone want to join me?" Haruhi asks. Hayami raised her hand, waving it frantically. Haruhi giggles before taking her hand, "We'll be using the restroom."

"Sure. We'll be right here when you need it," I said.

We watch them go and chat simple things.

Hayami POV

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