Chapter: 39

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Masumi POV

Hayami and Nathan should be at the club room by now. Kyoya volunteered to pick them up while I have to be late because of my job. Not to mention, my uncle needs help with some work and other shit. I cry internally. I hate my life. However, I did notice Kyoya take a liking to Nathan. It's probably because he's a prodigy. According to his school records, he exceeds all of his classes. He could possibly skip a couple of grades. Same with Hayami surprisingly.

Kyoya also discusses with me and his family allowing them to adopt Nathan. I don't know why they're asking that to me when I didn't even adopt him. Probably because I am a brother to him and overprotective. But that's simply my instinct. Of course, I let them adopt as long as Nathan could come over during weekends. So yeah, Nathan became an Ootori. Let's hope he doesn't have a death note like his big brother Kyoya...

Currently at school and made my way to the club room, I heard a loud noise in music room #3. Nothing strange about that. But when I open the door, I see a kid in the cage.

Nathan POV

I saw Shiro came in and begging for help about making women happy. Shiro didn't notice me and Hayami since we're both with Kyoya who's helping us with some of our homework since we're planning on skipping to 7th grade which is awesome by the way. Shiro made a mess. Calling a girl a carp, then getting freak out by the twins, next being mean to Hani and later talking about him and Takashi. Mostly because Hani seemingly likes the same age as us and shouldn't be friends with Takashi but wrong. Hani and Takashi are of the same age, the same year, same class, and they're family as well so it's natural for the two to be together.

Then Shiro asks if Haruhi is cross-dressing which made the twins and Tamaki panic. I shake my head as Shiro made things worse which cause Haruhi to own more money.

The result is getting trap in the cage.

Suddenly, someone opens the door. Hayami and I turn to look. The Demon walk in. Everyone trembles when they see an angry Masumi.













AFTER THE CLEAR UP, Masumi watch in amusement with the Host club dealing with Shiro without his help. Shiro finally notices so we explain I am Kyoya's brother and Hayami is Masumi's little sister. Adopted since we look nothing alike.

"Please, won't you teach me?" Shiro begins to begs, "You're a host because you like girls. you like to bring a smile on a girl's face. that's why you do it, right? Please, won't you teach me to be like you!" He looks directly at Tamaki, "you're a genius at it! You're the king."

Of course, that last comment made Tamaki being...Tamaki.

Kyoya and Masumi look at me and Hayami, "never be like Tamaki. Never." We both nod which we receive a pat on the head.

Masumi POV

Kyoya then explains about how we use our individual personality traits to reach the needs of our guests, "For example, there's Tamaki, the princely type. There's the strong silent yet wild type. The boy Lolita type. The little devil type. And the cool type. it's all about variety." He smiles, "And now our group complete with the addition of Haruhi, the natural type, and Masumi, the big brother type."

We all stare at Shiro as Kyoya continues, "it seems of now we have a perfect blend of characteristics so it's gonna be difficult to find a new type for you."

"If you go by his age, it should be boy Lolita type," Hikaru states.

"but Hani-senpai already has that role," Kaoru rejects the idea.

"Is he gonna replace me?" Hani asks.

I smile and pick him up. I pat him gently on the head, "of course not, Hani. No one could ever replace you." He smiles and hugs me tightly.

All of a sudden, Renge appears.

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