Chapter: 32

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Masumi POV

My Aunt and Uncle have some business over in Tokyo, so I and the children have the house to ourselves. Waking up in the morning to make some special waffles; waffles with berries and whip cream. Instead of maple syrup, I used chocolate instead. By 9, I head up the stairs and wake them up.

They yawn so adorably. They brush their teeth before I had to carry these two lazy butts down the stairs, to the dining room. Their eyes brighten up. They thank me for the food and start eating them. Hayami eats like a pig while Nathan eats like a mature adult. I giggle a little underneath my breath, seeing how these two opposites became the best of friends. It reminds me of Tamaki and Kyoya. Alongside Hani and Mori.

I finish eating before them since they're having seconds. I sigh before wiping thief mouths, especially little miss. Piglet. "After we finish eating and getting ready, let's go to the zoo, then to the park to have a picnic for lunch." They all nod.


I ride my dark blue 2017 Toyota Camry. The two sat in the back as they admire the sceneries as we pass them by. I smile sadly to myself.

They probably never see the city that much, I thought as I move a little faster, Maybe they been to the city zoo. Time to see their reaction.

Once we arrived, the children hurry and take their seatbelts off to leave the car. I laugh to myself as I take my time. When I got out, I saw their expression. Surprise. Dumbfound. Excited. Eager. So much more.

"Wow! This is bigger than the petting zoo!" Hayami exclaims.

"You'll be seeing a lot of things once you go to Ouran elementary school," I state. Hayami looks surprised but very happy. I notice Nathan's sad expression. I ruffle his hair, "You're going there too. After all, I'm taking care of you."

"But you didn't adopt me..." He mumbles, "So why?"

"I'm not that cruel to separate the best friends," I smile before leaning near his ear, "And I know you have a little crush~ on Hayami-Chan~" he blushes deeply and stutters. I laugh. I stand up straight, "So who's ready to see their animals?" They both raise their hands.

After buying a ticket for each of us, the two hold my hands and visit each animal.


The day is finally over. Both of them LOVE the zoo and a picnic in the park. They love feeding the ducks. I even met some other children who I met the other day with Haruhi. Instead of eating in the dining room, we decided to eat in the living room where the TV is at. We decided to watch one of the old Pokémon movies. The one with Giratina and the other two who I forgot their names where. I believe one of them control space and the other time. I haven't watched them since forever.

Once that is over, they brush their teeth and got ready for bed. Meaning, they're sleeping in my bed like they always do. I shake my head when I cover them with a blanket. I sigh because I definitely know I won't be sleeping any time soon. So many chores to be done. Washing and drying the dishes. Sweeping the floors. No vacuuming till later because it'll wake up the children. Washing the table since it's a bit stinky thanks to Hayami who either spills or made a mess by accident. Silly, little girl. After that, I have to make sure everything is lock and put on the house alarm for an emergency.

But then I remember the amusement park tickets. I look at the 4 tickets I had in the draw. Aunt and I supposed to go with the children this weekends but she has to go with Uncle for their business. I let out the sigh, seeing the expiration date, It'll expire this Monday. I guess we could go tomorrow but it'll be a school night. Oh, fudge it. We could leave early after the Ferris wheel then has a dinner night out before going home. but then I remember the extra ticket, Who should I give it to?...

I pick up my phone and start texting someone who possibly is available tomorrow.

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