Chapter: 49

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Takashi POV

As Haruhi and Masumi hang together as they flirt with the girls, my heart aches at the sight. I knew those two are sorta childhood friends but there were times it doesn't feel like it. The two stuck together like glue from day 1 when school started. Well, around that time I didn't pay much attention until that night. There's something about Masumi that attracts me. Probably because he's so mysterious. Not even Kyoya could find some info other than some simple background. Ever since Ranka told us about him, that info was wrong or so it seems.

I continue to hear stories about Masumi. From him being the Rogue to MasumixHaruhi. Some of the girls even prefer that as the two are like best friends. They know each other. Masumi and I only pretend to be a couple because of the way we present ourselves and the vibe we give out. I have a bit of an intimidate and cold vibe while Masumi, who usually has that, changes into a warm and sense of comfort. It's as if his vibe change mine when he's next to me. And thanks to Hani and Hayami, along with Nathan, we appear like a family.

While the twins and Tamaki talk about Haruhi and a bikini, I wonder if we made Masumi in a swimming suit. I blush as I remember that black revealing on with the seashells.

 I blush as I remember that black revealing on with the seashells

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I shake my head internally, scolding myself for such thoughts. But I couldn't help it because...I glance at him. Masumi looks like a total girl with his hair out of the way. I doubt we could do dress up because if we dare touch him, he'll bite. Not kidding. The twins one time tried to dress him up. He put up quite a fight, more than Haruhi. Masumi would do anything to get free. Even if he has to bite you. He did that to Hikaru as Masumi gave him the wild eyes as he glared. I let out a sigh.

"Are you okay, Mori?" I jump a little when I see Masumi looking up at me with a cute concern and curiosity face. I blush a little how close he is. I nod. He didn't seem to believe, "You're a bit pink." He takes my hand and drag me under the shade. Forcing me to sit down on the towel, he hands me a bottle of water, "Drink up. We don't want you to pass out."

"Thanks..." I take his offer and take a sip. Then I realized it was his bottle.

"it's no problem. I hope you don't drink from mine," he said casually, "Someone took the cooler so I have no idea where it went. The best option was to give you some of my mines."

"It's fine," I look away.

I look surprised as he suddenly rests on my lap. He yawns cutely, "I'm going to nap. You, sir, going to rest. It'll be bad if you faint. Everyone, especially Hani, would be extremely worried if you did."

"Yeah." With that, Masumi drifts off to sleep. I gently pet him, fingers through his soft, thick black hair.

Girls are squealing and I notice Kyoya taking pictures. Most likely for the booklet. I look around and notice they're in some competition. Something about looking for Haruhi fear and gain some photos of her if they win after they found out she's not afraid of bugs when she threw away the centipede that scared the girls. I shake my head at them.

Masumi POV

Waking up to a bunch of girls screaming, I sit up and groan. I look at Takashi, "Why are they screaming?" He points at the cave. I simply nod and went inside.

"What's going on?" I ask, seeing a bunch of guests, the twins, and Haruhi.

The twin explains what they're doing which makes me grin evilly, "I see~ Want me to tell you guys a story?" Haruhi gives me a frightened look.

"Sure!" They said.

Haruhi POV

I somehow managed to get away, knowing Masumi would be telling the story. Even though I'm usually not afraid of those things but if Masumi telling it, you'll get nightmares for MONTHS. I'm not risking it again. Last time she told me a story, I made sure she stayed with me every single night until I recover. Rest In Peace.

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