Chapter: 28

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Masumi POV

Somehow, I manage to convince my aunt and uncle to let me keep Hayami. Uncle is a bit displease and annoyed but Aunt gladly accepts. Even though she's abusive and a drunk, she's still the same. She couldn't have kids of her own so she would often spoil me and my little brothers. Maybe having Hayami around would help me. I warn Hayami about her bad habits. She agrees she would run and hide somewhere, and let me handle it. She also made me promise to be brave.

When we arrive home, Aunt and Uncle are home. My aunt's eyes shine brightly before rushing to hug her. After that, the two hit it off perfectly. Reminding me when I was little and how sometimes I would follow Aunt. I would always get her attention and stick my tongue childishly at Uncle who's pouting a little when I took her love away. This made his pinch my cheek and poke my forehead playfully.

While the two bond, my Uncle wraps his arm around my shoulders. I look at him with the corner of my eye. He gives me a look as he smirks a little. I simply give him a nod. I told Hayami that I'd be working. After that, my Uncle and I went into his office where we get to work.

I am a criminal.

Hayami POV

The next day and after school, Nathan and I met up before rushing to the entrance of the school to meet up with Masumi. As we did, I told Nathan all about yesterday. Masumi's aunt who I call her my mother and her husband my father. Mother and I chat about a lot of things; what are our likes and dislikes, our hobbies, and other things. After that, we made dinner. The entire time, Father and Masumi-niichan have been working until we finally finish making dinner.

Then I told him about his club. Nathan's face when I told him that he's a host. I laugh and told him is wasn't like that. It's more like him helping the girls, unlike the others. I even talk about him and how things ended up me could be within the club room. Finally, we arrive out and see Masumi waiting by the door.

The second he saw us, he crouches down and opens his arms. We both smile and race towards him to give us a big hug. Even though it's out of Nathan's character to do this, Masumi made it so welcoming. But then, we realized something.

"Aren't you supposed to be still in school?" I ask.

He pats my head, "I am but I have permission to leave early to pick you guys up. So, therefore, you guys could be in my class for a few minutes." Nathan and I frown at that. Masumi gives us a mischief smirk, "Or~ we could skip and have ice cream together!" We both grin at that.

I grab one of Masumi's hand and Nathan holds the other. Together, we walk to the ice cream shop. Meanwhile, the three bullies watch them in jealousy. The rest of the people stare in confusion and dumbfound.

I love my new family!

Nathan POV

We walk quietly. Well, almost quietly. Aku—I mean Hayami chat away, telling Masumi our day. Masumi says simple responses and sometimes engaging with her. I watch, feeling a hint of loneliness and jealous of my cr—friend! Looking down sadly, I felt someone ruffling my hair. I look up surprised and see Masumi giving me a brotherly smile.

"Nathan, would you like to come and have a sleepover?" Masumi asks, "After all, tomorrow is the weekend."

I look at him straight in the eyes, "I don't know if I could, Tsukasa-San."

He chuckles a little, "Please, call me Masumi. And if you like, you can call me Oniisan." I blush a little. "Nonetheless, I could ask Ms.Natsume if you could or not. I think we could make an agreement."

With your looks, I definitely know our lonely guardian would agree in a heartbeat,I thought.

"I would like that...Masumi-niisan," The words felt foreign as if it rolls off of my tongue. Hayami gives me a childish toothy grin and Masumi laughs at me softly, causing me to be embarrassed.

I blush and look away which causes Hayami to tease me. We both 'argue' childish, leaving Masumi playfully scolding and threatening us to NOT buy us ice cream. We apologize. Masumi smiles and pets our head gently as if we are his blood-related little siblings.

I smile to myself, I think I will enjoy my time with my new found big brother.

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