Chapter: 54

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Takashi POV

As my friends are chatting away happily, while I feel guilty. I knew something was off. I may not spend a lot of time with Masumi, he—I mean she is strong and could fight off anyone. Even if someone was there. She could easily defend them off.

With Haruhi being in a horrible situation, Masumi lost focus on her surroundings because Haruhi meant a lot to her. But what confused me why she didn't argue back. Why did she let us snap at her? Why didn't she do anything?

But then it hit me like a brick.

It was the way we look at her...our anger...our disgust...It made her froze. The looks that people give her all around her when she was the Rogue. After all, not all stares show fear. We accepted her...Welcome her...Know her...Care for her...Smile at her. seems like we didn't care for Masumi enough. Even after Ranka told us Masumi went through things that are still unknown to us. All we did was let our anger because our 'only' Princess wasn't protected well enough.

The looks we have given her...I can't imagine how she felt.

Masumi is my crush. She is my future lover but how could I do her like that. I'm such an idiot. A fucken idiot. I hate myself so much for this.

Then a familiar voice ring through my ear, "Haruhi-chan...? You guys...?" We all look up in surprise.

Masumi POV

A little earlier, I let Nekozawa's home. Well, one of the many houses that his family owns. This is what I look like.

(Imagine an eye patch on her right eyes)

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(Imagine an eye patch on her right eyes)

(Imagine an eye patch on her right eyes)

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(Shoes are black)

As you could tell my hair was done and have hair extensions to make me look cute while my hair is growing back. If Ranka could see me now, he would be right proud of me. Holding a basket of flowers and holding Hayami's hand who's wearing a simple pink summer dress with bunnies on them, we start walking to the pension to see Haruhi. Along with Misuzu.

"Do you think Misuzu-chi would love the flowers?" Hayami asks cutely, looking up at me.

I smile, "Of course he will. After all, you pick these yourself."

She giggles before letting my hand go and run around near me. I warn her to be careful. As I did, someone called our name. We turn and see none other than Maple, Kiki, and Sasha. They run here with a shocked look on their faces.

"You were a girl a whole entire time?!" they exclaim.

I laugh weakly and rub the back of my neck, "yup..." They then notice my right eye.

"Masumi-Chan, What happened to your eye? Don't tell me..."

"Yup, it's from the fight at Okinawa," I sigh before smiling, "it's all good."

The three look at each other before Kiki speaks, "is it really true that you quit the Host Club because of that?"

Is that what they told them...? I bit taken back before looking down sadly, Why should I be surprised? Those people are like the rest of them... hiding the truth...saving themselves...That's what these people are. I guess it's human nature.

Before I could agree, Maple states, "And don't you dare lie to us." The three of them a glare.

I sigh in defeat, "no, I didn't quit. Tamaki and they kick me out because I didn't save Haruhi." They gasps. I then explain the whole story, along with mentioning Haruhi is a girl and made them promise to keep it after I told them her story. Along with me telling them. They agree. I have a strong feeling they're not liars.

"Anyway, why are you ladies here?" I ask curiously.

"Well you see, we decided to go stay here and stay in a bed and breakfast called Pension Misuzu," Sasha replies cheerful, "A change of pace and experience, ya'know?" Her friends nod and agree happily.

"Is that so? Hayami-Chan and I are heading over there ourselves," I tell them, "Why don't we go there together?" They nod in agreement.

"So why are you going there? I don't see your luggage," Kiki said.

"We've already been there. We went to get some flowers at one of my friend's garden who gladly given them to us," I reply, "Even though we could stay over at their place, I decided to be there and spend time with Haru-Chan."

"You mean Haruhi would be there?" They ask excitedly.

I nod, "Who knows. Maybe you could see her dress like a girl." They squeal and chat on about it.

Even though that's annoying...I kind of miss that. Kind of.

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is safe from the Coronavirus. It's not fun, I know since pretty much almost everything is closed down. My brother gone "crazy," running around with his fake Uchiha katana that he bought from an anime convention. He called himself an Uchiha and the Hokage. So I just called him the Zero Hokage, in return, he said FU you to me 😹.

Anyway, the pandemic will be over soon so please take care of yourself and others until then. Cya!

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