Chapter: 47

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Masumi POV

Everyone decides to tag along. While I am waiting outside with the guys for Tamaki and Haruhi, I notice a familiar face walk by us. I turn, only to see it is Ranka. I snicker, knowing may go down. I went to follow as I left Hayami with Takashi and Hani. I watch in amusement as Ranka push Tamaki off Haruhi into a wall.

Need to get that fix. I mentally note as I continue to watch the casual interaction between father and daughter. Well, can't say casual since Haruhi is a bit stunned how Ranka treated Tamaki like he was nothing. Blah blah blah, this happened.

I chuckle quietly as the twin made things even more interesting because it set Tamaki in a panic and shit

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I chuckle quietly as the twin made things even more interesting because it set Tamaki in a panic and shit.

Once Ranka notices me, Ranka cry onto me about how I left him all alone and how he might get mugged. I roll my eyes at his idiocy and just went along with him. Then the club catches his attention.

Haruhi being annoyed with these people, Haruhi grabs me by the collar and walk off, stating she's going to the supermarket with me and by ourselves.

Third POV

When they left, Tamaki went into a panic which causes Ranka to slap his head, "Shut your mouth already! My precious girl won't do such a thing to Haruhi! What did you take Masumi for? A wolf? They only wolf I see is you! But you're more like a weak, pathetic puppy!"

Blah, blah, blah, Ranka talks about his and Haruhi's life, along with meeting Masumi which was around the time when he got a bit drunk. Yes, it's around when they're in elementary. But because Masumi's family was friends with a lot of people and all kinds because they're more accepting. One day, they decided to help Ranka to get back home safely so the owner could clean up.

"Ever since Haruhi met you guys, she seems very happy. Don't you agree, Tamaki?" Ranka smile. Then he appears to remember something, "Masumi seems to be much happier too." Which surprises all of them.

"What do you mean?" Hani asks as he's hugging a sleeping Hayami. Well, I guess it's nap time for her then.

"Well you see, I can't exactly tell you what happened to her since Masumi hates when people go on about her personally life," He sighs as he wipes away his tears as if he remembers something horrible, "you could say Masumi went through a lot of things which changed her. You see, Masumi wasn't always like this cold and scary-looking guy. He's very approachable and when you're around him, you could find comfort and a sense of security. He loves helping people out and usually makes a lot of friends. Ever since that happened, he became close to those he doesn't know personally, eventually building that nasty and false reputation." he smiled, clearly happily and relief, "But ever since Masumi met you, she became more open and approachable like she used to. Thank you."

Masumi POV

I pat Haruhi on the back as she complains about her Father and the Host Club. Don't really mind as this happened to her daily. You could say I'm the main reason why she still has her sanity lol. Being with them takes a huge toll. I could tell me being distance took a toll on her too. Not like I did anything bad, simply worry her.

As we are walking to the market, I notice they are following her. No surprise,

I smile, What a bunch of morons.

Once we arrive, Haruhi hands me a list of things to get while she gets the other half. As I am looking for some instant coffee, I notice Takashi carrying a sleeping Hayami and keep ahold of Hani who's acting like a little boy. No one really notices but...I'm wearing those ruffles white shirt and a black skirt. How oblivious are they? By the end of the day, they'll probably think I'm a dude. Not noticing the features I'm revealing resembles a girl.

"Hani-Chan, behave yourself. This isn't a park that you can go run around and shout," I scold him as I head over. I hold onto his hand with my free hand. I look up at Takashi with a smile, "Thanks for watching over Hayami-Chan. I hope she wasn't a handful."

He blushes a bit, "No problem."

"I need to finish shopping. Care to join?"

With that, we shop together, not knowing people are watching and staring at us as they whisper how we're a cute family.


I watch blankly as Ranka giving Tamaki the things he doesn't like. He gives me the puppy dog eyes. I sigh and shake my head. I give Ranka a look, "Dad, you know those are my favorite too." I take some off of Tamaki's bowl which he is grateful for.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dear," Ranka smile innocently.

We all eat the stew pot together. I watch as everyone is happy. Even Nathan came along since Kyoya thought it might be nice to see me and Hayami again. My eyes soften as I smile. An unknown lone teardrop rolls down my cheek

I wish this moment never stops. I want to stay like this forever...forever with this new family that I finally realize.

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