Chapter: 27

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Third POV

Everyone is currently in disbelief when they saw Masumi caring for a small child. Masumi, the cold and alone wolf, suddenly becomes a loving and caring dog real quick. All the girls blush at the sight as Masumi kisses the little girl's forehead. It almost like they're brother and sister. Matter of fact, they could easily be mistaken. Anyone would believe they're siblings.

Once the child calms down, Masumi found out Tamaki frightens her which made Masumi smile but anger underneath it as tension rise. Everyone becomes terrified. Well, Akuma didn't even notice what's going on but could tell Tamaki is scared for his life, not knowing why though. After that, Kyoya calls off the club early. Of course, after writing something down in

Sitting down together, Akuma sits on Masumi's lap as she avoids any kind of contact with anyone but Masumi. Masumi smiles down at Akuma who smiles back. The club looks confuse and starstruck as they look between them. Masumi ruffles her hair, "Akuma-Chan, are you okay? I bet Bakaki-sama is very scary." Akuma nods vigorously, causing Tamaki to go to his dark corner. "Ta-Ma-Ki~" Masumi becomes a scary demon underneath his princely smile, "Apologies. Now."

"G-Gomen," Tamaki bows down multiple times, causing Akuma to giggle a little, "Tsukasa! Please don't kill me."

"Oniichan won't hurt you," Akuma smile naively.

Honey, you don't know anything of what that guy could do, The Host Club thought

"Anyway, what is your name?" Haruhi asks,

"Also, how do you know that guy?" Kaoru adds, pointing at Masumi.

"People call me Akuma because of my looks!" She exclaims sadly before looking at Masumi, "Oniichan save me from Scary-oniisan! Then Oniichan said I can come over if I wanted to since I was alone!"

"I hope you don't mind," Masumi smile at Kyoya who moves back a little.

He clears his throat, "As long as she doesn't cause any trouble."

"You hear that Akuma-Chan? You can visit us every day," Akuma's eyes shine before tackling Masumi off the couch.

After that, the club introduces themselves and Akuma becomes a part of the elite Ouran High School Host Club. Her job is basically hanging with Masumi, in order to bring out more of Masumi's brotherly side. Definitely the main reason why Kyoya agreed to let her stay. It's not like the Rogue will kill him brutally as if Kyoya was nothing but a needless and harmless bug.

Then Masumi realize something, "Akuma-Chan, what happened to you?"

Everyone turns to look and notice all the bandages. Akuma looks away, full of shame and sadness. Masumi frowns and hugs her tightly but tenderly. Akuma tears up before crying. It was then Masumi decides to keep Akuma as her little sister.

Akuma POV

Walking with Masumi to the orphanage, I thought he was only taking me home but instead, he went to Ms.Natsume's office for some reason. It made me panic a bit because I didn't want to get in trouble. If he reports of my bullying, they would hurt me even more. I stand close to the office, waiting for Masumi. He told me to stay there and wait for him because he'll tell me something.

While waiting patiently, my bullies came; Amy, John, and Yuri. The three snickers as they stand before me. I tremble a little.

"Aw~ why you look at that, the freak is already ready to piss her pant," Amy smirks, causing her friends to laugh.

"Pfft, you think staying close to her will save you. Not," John remarks with a smug look, "You're coming with us and have a nice~ chat with us, monster."

Feeling dreaded inside, I shut my eyes and allow them to take me with them. But deep inside, I pray someone would save. It's as if my prayers are finally heard. Masumi opens the door before John could even lay a finger on me. The three smiles as if they were good little kids. Masumi takes a short glance at me before he smiles at them in return. I notice Amy and Yuri blush at the sight of that. Well, Masumi is very handsome.

Ms.Natsume comes out with a bright smile on her face, "Akuma, Masumi will be your guardian. Go on and pack up."

My eyes open wide in shock. Along with the other three. Masumi chuckles before couching down and ruffles my hair, "I guess I forgot to ask. Would you like to be my little sister, Hayami-Chan?"

I beam as I tear up. I hug him tightly, "Hai!"

Masumi hugs me back and kisses my forehead. Masumi takes my hand and help me pack up. After that, we hold hands and heading out to my new home. However, we stop at a voice calling my name. We turn and I saw Nathan, a boy with brown hair and green eyes who's quiet but normally protect me when he could. Only a grade/a couple of years older than I.

 Only a grade/a couple of years older than I

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(Imagine with brown hair)

He walks over, "Is it true? That you're leaving?" I nod yes sadly with a weak smile. He hugs me as he whispers, "I don't want you to leave..." I hug him closely, starting to feel overwhelming sadness. He is my best friend.

Masumi seem to notice our loneliness because he then said, "How about every day after school, you can come with us to my club?"

Nathan looks surprised. He takes a glance at me. I give him an assuring closed-eyes smile and nod. Nathan look back at Masumi a little shyly, "C-Can I?"

"Of course," I ruffle his head, "But you'll have to behave well. I'll let Hayami-Chan tell you all about it."

Masumi let us talk a bit before we really had to go. I smile happily.

I'm so happy! I'm glad met Masumi-neechan! This is the very best day ever!

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