Chapter: 36

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Third POV

Once Masumi's family died from a car crash, it was when everything fell apart; for both Masumi and her aunt. Masumi knew to stay strong but unlike her, her aunt cried in grieve. She started drinking away in pain and tries to forget all about it. No one could help her. Things turned...quite quickly when Aunt became a bit delusional, especially in her drunk state.

Every time her Aunt saw Masumi, she beat her up harshly, screaming and yelling, believing Masumi is her sister and brother-in-law. Asking why they left her and all about it. It was fun for Uncle to watch and act with such ignorance but...He started to feel pity as things went worse so when things getting out of hand, he stops his wife.

One day...Her aunt grabbed Masumi by her long, black hair, "I HATE YOU! WHY MUST YOU LOOK LIKE THEM?! YOU MUST BE ENJOYING SEEING ME IN PAIN!" She grabs a knife, "I CUT THEM OFF! I CAN'T STAND LOOKING AT YOU, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" She cut part of Masumi hair off before beating her up.

After that, Uncle fixes Masumi hair before making her bang covers one of her eyes. When finished, he left her, leaving a first aid kit behind.

Masumi stares at her reflection, "I'm so pathetic...Everything is my fault..." Tearing up, she covered her face and cry loudly as she yelled in her hands.

It was then...She changed everything about her. From background to gender. Masumi decided to be someone else. No one would care anyway.

I miss you, Okasan, Otousan, my troublemaking twins otoutos, my baby imouto who never get to bear. I miss you so much. I wish... I could tell you how much I love you. I wish I could thank you for making me have the best life. I wish I could change things back then. I wish...










I could die with you.








I wish I could...


















Die In Your Place.💔

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