Chapter: 16

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Masumi POV

Today is the day where we get our physical exam. Pretty annoying because all the girls want is to see the boys' bodies. Due to the 'elite' Host Club, all the girls squeal which is EXTREMELY annoying. I roll my eyes as I walk pass by a bunch of girls, getting excited to see who's who body. Ugh...Disgusting. When I notice they were drooling. I mean I get they look hot and all but geez. I don't even act like this. Haruhi doesn't even act like this either.

As I am walking, someone bumps into me. I look and saw it is no other than Ritsu Kasanoda which his 'scary' self. He glare but when he noticed it was me, he quickly stop and apologize, "I'm sorry for bumping into you, Tsukasa-Sama." Yup, I made quite a reputation for myself.

I wave him off, "It's fine. Heading to the exam I presume?"


"Why don't you join me?" I offer, "Also, call me Masumi, Ritsu-San."

"Uh, sure," Together, we walk to the exam and people are staring at us as they froze at the sight of Ritsu.

He's not that scary, is he? I question inside my head as I glance at the dude. From what I know, he likes plants and doesn't hurt people. However, no one would go anywhere near him.

I shrug it off and continue walking. It is very crowded as always so we both stay behind them, not wanting to get trampled over or freeze anyone because of Ritsu. However, I saw a homeless looking man who appears to look like a doctor. He looks quite suspicious. Ritsu seems to notice my gaze at him since he stops and look at that guy too. Before he did anything, I grab his arm. He looks at me with a puzzled look.

I didn't bother looking at him, "Go on ahead. I'll take care of him myself."

Wanting to reject his order, Ritsu reluctantly went to the physical exam without me. He knew he can't defy me as I am the Rogue, the one who is fear by pretty much every single gang. To them, I am law and no one would dare to defy me. Along with other people.

I walk towards the old man, "Hey." he turned to see me, frighten.

" he turned to see me, frighten

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How I think I look at him.

How I think I look at him

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How he sees me.

He tries to run away but I quickly grab his arm. He shut his eyes and trembles, "Please don't hurt me!"

I raise a brow at him, the fuck is wrong with this dimwit?

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk," I let go of him. He look at me, a little calm down but still scared of me.


"Let me get to the point, you're obviously not a staff here so what are you doing here?" I question, looking at him seriously, "Do you even have the right to come in?"

"W-Well you see, my name is Yabu and I came here to look for my daughter. Just when I was about to ask the front office for a pass, they immediately assume I was a doctor. So here I am," he explains to me.

I look into his eyes and doesn't seem like he's lying to me. Well, no kidding. He looks like a doctor with that coat on but here I thought these people know who's the staff or not. No offense but he looks like he has no class or any experience to be here.

I sigh as I scratch my head, "Let me take you to the principal office and sort this thing out, alright?"

"R-Really?!" He looks stunned which annoys me.

Before we could even go ANYWHERE, one of the staff members takes him away, once again mistaking him. I shake my head and let out of a sigh, "What a bunch of idiots."


Currently, at the special boy clinic, I met up with Haruhi as we both are currently there. As we wait for the doctor to arrive, she told me all about how the club was in a panic because of the physical exam and how Kyoya got an act of revenge since he never told them about the special boy clinic until this morning. Well, Tamaki was out of the picture that meeting in order to prank him fully. The author came inside my head and told me how Tamaki broke the fourth wall in his world but not mine.

Haruhi then tells me what happens when I saw Tamaki tries to pretend to be her and how he believes Haruhi is very angry at him. Even though she knows full well his plan will falter and she is apart of the prank too, All I could say, "He's a moron."

Then the doctors come and apologize before ordering us to go to different sections of the room to be undress. Before I get to unbutton my shirt to take it off, I heard Haruhi name being called by Tamaki. I come out and see the whole scene on how they're confronting the guy that I met earlier who needed help. I sigh, clearly annoyed by them.

After their stupid intro, I come into the situation, "Cool your jets."

The Host Club look at me surprised before Tamaki questions why I am here and shit, thinking I'm a pervert too. Do you know what I did? I sent him flying by punching him before looking at Haruhi. She nods, signaling that she's alright. I head over to the guy and help him up, "Are you okay, sir?"

"Y-Yes, thank you," he said.

"Why don't you tell them your story? Maybe they'll help you better than I could," I suggest, before glancing at the club. He nods before telling his 'sad' story.

We all have a blank look on our faces, a little bit disbelief but whatever. Even the doctors look at Yabu blankly. Meanwhile, Tamaki is in tears. Blah, blah, the host club helps him by the order of their prince and it all went well. He thanked me again before leaving.

After that, Haruhi tells them to get out since she still needs to do her exam and stuff; how she's doing it to repay back her debt, not because of them bribing her with food. As Tamaki is hugging her, I grab him by the neck and glare, "That's sexual assault! you truly are a disgusting pervert, Suoh-senpai." He trembles in fear as I throw him out along with the rest of the club.

I shut the door. Haruhi and I look at each other before grinning like little kids and high-giving each other.

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