Chapter: 12

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Third POV

Tamaki and his friends' eyes widen as they watch Masumi getting along with the children at the park. It's almost like it's natural for him to do so.

"Looks like he isn't the Cold and Warm Knight that we all thought him to be," Kyoya spoke.

"You're right!" Tamaki exclaims in agreement as his eyes burn in flames for no reason, "he'll be the Loving and Protective yet Cold Brotherly type!"

(Author: wtf. That's a long title. Should've just said the big brotherly type. Whatever float your boat, Tamaki.)

"Did you guys hear someone?" Tamaki asks. They all shrug and shoots their heads no.


(Author: sigh...people these days.)

"There's it go again!" He exclaims.

"Boss, I think you're losing your mind," Hikaru look at Tamaki unamused.

"We should take you home. You're so stressed out," Kaoru said.

"We should have a Strawberry cake!" Hang exclaims as Mori grunts in agreement.


The children love Masumi as there's no more bread and their parents, mostly mothers, call for them. All the children bid their goodbyes and thanks before going to their parents' side.

Masumi waves at them and their parents as he watches them go. After that, he turns to see Haruhi on the bench, clearly exhausted. He chuckles a little as he went to sit next to her.

"How could you deal with those demons?!" Haruhi exclaims tiredly.

"I did have little brothers of my own," Masumi response as he look at the sky expressionlessly, "those two were quite a troublemakers sometimes but I was able to handle them well."

"You must've really loved them," she smiles.

"Of course I do. After all..." he looks over at her with a small closed eyes smile which made her blush a little in surprise, "we were family and we still are. No matter how far away they may be."

"I never thought to think that way," Haruhi says softly, "I'm glad I got to meet someone like you."

"Oh shush. I'm just a simple ordinary boy with a simple mind who's from nowhere special," he stands up and stretches, "come on. Let's go home."

She smiles, "sure."

He holds out his hand for her. She takes it and he helps her up. Together, they walk back to his car hand in hand as people whisper about them. Saying they're a cute couple and all.

However, the two aren't like that. A little confusing but it's more of a sibling relationship.

The two laugh together as Masumi ruffles her hair messily. Haruhi pouts but ends up smiling when he pokes her cheeks playfully.

He's really like an older brother... Haruhi thought.

I wonder this is how having a little sister feels like...he wonders as he remembers something. He smiles weakly internally as he pretends on the outside, it's sad that you didn't get to see the world yet...

Even though he covers up well, Haruhi notices the sadness in his eyes but decided not to say anything about it. They got into the car and drive off as they continue to chat happily with one another. Meanwhile, the idiots are trying their best to follow.

Haruhi POV

I glance at Masumi who's driving and singing softly along with his playlist. I could see there's a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Why is he smiling when he's sad? Is he sad because of his family? I wonder I guess I shouldn't really question that. It's hard to remember what he went through when he acts like this. I hope he's alright.

"Oh, hey Haruhi-Chan, I need to make a quick stop. Do you mind?" He asks all of a sudden.

"Oh! Of course Masumi-kun," I reply, "I'm not in a rush. Do what you need to do."

"Thanks," he said as he went somewhere else.

I recognize where we're heading. We're heading over to the children's hospital orphanage. They're children who are in the hospital but also doesn't have a family. It's quite sad but why are we going there?

When we arrive, he got out immediately and went over to open his trunk. I follow and saw some bags of toys. He picks them all up and heads inside. Of course, I quietly follow him like a puppy.

People greet him and one of the nurses went over to give him a big hug, "Masumi! Its been so long! We missed you!"

"I miss you guys too," he hugs her back before they let each other go, "sorry I didn't visit much as I used to, Rachie-San. Being on the scholarship is hard."

"It's must've been hard but I'm sure you'll do well. We all believe in you," she smiles until she notices me, "and who is this cutie?"

"I'm Haruhi Fujioka," I bow a little, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

"My my, what a keeper! Any guy would be lucky to have you, Fujioka-San!" She exclaims and look over at Masumi, "I'm glad you found a wonderful and kind friend." He smiles and nods. "Oh! I can't wait to see the children happy faces! They all miss you so much and nag nonstop about when you're coming back!"

"Looks like I need to go see those little monsters," the two laugh. Rachie then lead us down the hall.

Has Masumi-kun visited so many times? Everyone seem to know him, I watch quietly as everyone we walk pass greeted Masumi. He sure is popular. I wonder if they know his false reputation or not...

We arrive at the courtyard. Children are playing with one another as they all laugh. They're so adorable!

Masumi then yells, "Hey you guys! I'm back! Miss me?!" The children all stop and turn to see. Their eyes glow as they smile and grin.

They all rush to him quickly and give him big warm hugs as they greet him. I watch Masumi spend his time with the children as he hands out the toys for them.

He truly is a good guy.

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