Chapter: 15

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Third POV

The Host Club listens as things die down and Masumi is no longer present. Then they heard someone sighing. Turn to look and it is Rachie, a close friend to Masumi. Which is a bit surprising. Then again, they made many discoveries recently.

She smiles weakly at them, "I apologize for her behavior. S-He's has a rough past and prefer being alone. Masumi-San may not have told me but I heard many stories about him."

"Do you mind telling us?" Hani questions.

She shakes her head, "I'm sorry but it is for only him to tell." She bows at them, "Please watch over him! He's been so alone! Not even Nekozawa-sama can make him the person that he used to be!"


She look at them with teary eyes, "Masumi used to an outgoing guy who loves children! He used to be so friendly with others and never get into unnecessary fights. He used to be so kind to others no matter how annoying they are! I just hope you guys and Haruhi could help him!"

They all look at each other before smiling, "We'll do our best!"

She smiles, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

The Host Club bid their goodbyes before leaving. They wore blank faces as they walk out as if they're in deep thoughts.

Hikaru glance at Tamaki, "Boss, I know we said we would help Tsukasa-San but..."

"He currently hates us," Kaoru finishes the sentence.

"Therefore, he would be difficult to handle," The twins' states.

"They do have a point, Tamaki," Kyoya agree.

"But Rachie looks so sad when she spoke about Sumi-Chan," Hani looks down sadly, "Sumi-Chan must've felt so alone and sad from whatever he went through."

"Our job is to make every girl happy and if making Tsukasa-San back to the way he was making her happy, then men must do it!" Tamaki exclaims.

"Did you forget that he hates us?" Kyoya glance at his idiot prince, "We caused quite a ruckus. Who knows, he may kill us next time."

"True. He didn't give a damn when Kyoya brought up his police force," Kaoru reminds, which made Tamaki lose his confidence.

"We might've well give up," Hikaru sigh, "After all, I bet we can't even go near him without him glaring at us as if he warns us not to go anywhere near him or else he'll turn our inside out."

"As much as I don't like it, we need to use Haruhi!" Tamaki exclaims, regaining his confidence, "We don't need to do anything directly! We'll do our best to help him faraway!"

"Yeah!" Hani, the twins, and Tamaki cheers.

Back where Masumi and Haruhi are at...

Masumi sneeze. Haruhi hands him a tissue, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Thanks," He takes the tissue and sneezes into it, "I either getting sick because of those fools or someone is talking about me behind my back."

Haruhi pats his head, "Why don't you come into my apartment and get you some medicine, just in case."

He shrugs, "Sure, why not?"

However, Masumi went through another troublesome situation. Haruhi's father comes home early and hugs the daylights out of Masumi.

"Rest in peace, Masumi-Chan," Haruhi salutes as Masumi's soul left his body.

Welp, that's the end of the story.

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