Chapter: 20

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Masumi POV

I refuse to move my bangs...I speed walk my way out of the building, I couldn't do it. I won't do it.

My thoughts went all the way back when my hair wasn't like this. It was long and my hairpin keeps my fringe out of the way. I look almost the exact replica of my mother. She was a beautiful and stunning woman. The only difference is that my eyes are from my father. My mother's pitch-black hair as my father's burning sun yellow eyes compliments each other well.

Unfortunately, my aunt couldn't bare looking at my face, knowing I look like her deceased sister with the eyes of her deceased brother-in-law. She would hit me, being unstable as her sadness blind her. She believes that I am her sister. She would cry, asking why did my mother have to leave as they only had each other. You see, their parents died when they were in middle school so they could only count each other. Then again, it's not an excuse to be abusive.

I didn't care if my aunt hurt me because her heart hurt more than the pain she gave me. I'll take care of her. I know Uncle feels the same.

Arriving upon my house, I peek in and notice they're not home. Sighing in relief, I went into my house and hurry to my room, locking the door on my way in. I place my bag down until I notice something catch my eyes. I turn to see and it is a family picture. I pick it up and smile. Eyes getting watery as I stare at the picture. It was me and my family.

Both of my little brothers who are twins cling onto my legs as we stood in front of our parents. My father smiles proudly as he wraps his arms around his wife, my mother's shoulders. My mother was only 8 months pregnant with my baby sister. This was the last family photo ever.

I whisper, "I miss you guys so much." I place the photo back and lay in bed with my glasses off. "One day...we'll be together again and be one big happy family."

I then fell into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Haruhi POV

It is club hours, I couldn't do my job properly as my mind keeps going back to Masumi. Masumi panics. Masumi doesn't care if someone touches him but when it came to his hair, his fringe specifically, he quickly stops her. Why? Why does it matter? Does he have to keep his hair like that? Doesn't that bother him? What is he hiding? Different eye colors or what?

"Haruhi-kun, are you alright?" Someone asks as they shake my shoulders gently.

Snapping out of my thoughts, my customers look at me with worry and concern look. I give them an assuring closed eyes smile, "Sorry about that. I'm okay. I was just wondering about my father! He's been working a lot lately so I was thinking what I should do to help him relax!" I say smoothly.

They smile as they compliment me. "Wow, Haruhi!" "You're so considerate!" "I hope your work pays off!"

After a couple of hours later, it's finally over. I let out a tired sigh of relief.

"Are you alright, Haru-Chan?" Hani asks worriedly.

"Is something on your mind?" Kyoya asks as he fixes his glasses, "After all, you didn't do well."

"Is something the matter?!" Tamaki grabs my shoulder and look at me closely with a sincere look that is completely plastered on his face, "Did something happen to you, my darling precious daughter?!"

I sweatdrop and push him away, "I'm alright! I'm just worried. That's all."

"About what?" The twins stared at me.

It couldn't hurt to tell them...right? Then again, if I don't tell them, they'll be a pain and nag me about it.

"W-Well, it's about Masumi," I sigh in defeat, "You know about his not caring attitude right? Earlier, before the club begins, one of the girls that Masumi-kun saved—"

"NANI?! HE SAVED SOME GIRLS?!" They, excluding Mori and Kyoya, yell in shock and disbelief. Kyoya and Mori's expression show they're a bit taken back about them.

I sigh, "yes, he saved some girls! He isn't as heartless as he seems! Now let me finish!" I glare at them which causes them to shut up. I continue on with my story, "When one of them was about to move his fringe away, he quickly stopped her. He was in a panic as if if we move it away, we'll be disgusted or something."

"From my record..." Kyoya looks at his laptop.

Of course, he'd have info...-_-

"Masumi never have been bullied about his eyes. Even if he did, he'll beat the crap out of them," he informs as he look into his laptop, "But...Something about his profile seems off like they're too descriptive or something mess with his information. Nonetheless, there's nothing about his eyes."

"Can I see?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I don't see why not."

I look at the laptop and my eyes widen. They're full of...













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