Chapter: 18

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Masumi POV

I CANNOT BELIEVE I BUMP INTO THAT DAMN HOST CLUB! HOPEFULLY, THEY DIDN'T NOTICE IT WAS ME! ESPECIALLY THAT TAKASHI GUY! GAHH! I let out a mushroom sigh before heading into the Garden Cafe from the back door.

People there greet me, and I greet it back. The boss comes over and gives me my role. It says, "I must act like a tsundere." I quickly went into the dressing room and put on my uniform. After that, I change my makeup a bit and wa la! Done!

 After that, I change my makeup a bit and wa la! Done!

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I take a deep breath before walking out coolly. The staffs are on awe with my work. "Wow! You're so cool!" "You're so beautiful!" "I wish I could look like you!"

I look away, blushing a bit as my arms cross, "Shut up."

They squeal, well, the boys, not really but they like it. "Woah! You're already in character!" "You're awesome!" "I can't believe it!"

"Hmph! Whatever," I walk away and grab a notebook before heading off to my job.

However, there's a ton of people, mainly females as they were founding over something or someone. To my disbelief, it is the Host Club. I groan in annoyance internally while my face shows a blank look. I walk to a table and take their order, trying my best not to draw their attention towards me. Please don't let them see me! Please don't let them see! Please don't let them see me!

"Suki-Chan, those cute high schoolers requested you," One of my co-workers informs me.

Doing my act, "Ugh. How annoying!" FUCK YOU WORLD! I reluctantly went over to them. I glare at them a bit as I cross my arms, "What do you want?"

"Now, now young maiden~ That's not how you treat your guests~" Tamaki coo as he took my hands. Disgusted internally, I slap his hand away and look, forcing a small blush, "Don't tell me what to do, Baka!"

He anime cry, causing me to sweatdrop.

"Don't worry Suki-Chan. He's always like that," The twins wave him off.

I glance at them, knowing they come here often ever since I work here. They know me as I am their favorite and always request me whenever it's my day. Haruhi rubs Tamaki's back, telling him it is her job to act like that as they are role-playing.

Hikaru catches my attention, "Suki-Chan, I thought you only work on weekends and Wednesdays."

"Boss called me to work as one of the staff isn't here, obviously," I answer a bit rudely, still keeping my act.

"Since you're here~" Kaoru smirk, making me know what's gonna happen next.

"Let's play which is Hikaru game!" The twins chime.

I roll my eyes, "Why would I play that stupid game?"

"Please~" They beg as they're up close.

I blush a little. I avoid eyes contact, "F-Fine! But only this once because you ask nicely! Don't think too much of it, Baka!"

They smile.

Kaoru POV

As we are looking at the menu, I notice a familiar raven head. I nudge at Hikaru to get his attention and show him. He smiles as his eyes light up. Everyone look at us.

"What's making you guys happy all of a sudden?" Haruhi questions,

"Our favorite waitress is here!" Hikaru exclaims, pointing at her, "That's Suki-Chan, the one we were talking about who knows which is us!"

"Speaking of, I think she's the one who bumps into Mori-senpai," I glance at him, noticing he's been staring at her. Haruhi and Hani notice this too.

Seems like our senpai has a crush on her~ I smirk. I use my twin psychic ability to tell Hikaru.

We both snickers and requested Suki to come over to take our order. We laugh a bit as Tamaki becomes depressed after Suki did her act. She sweatdrops at the guy so we advise her to not care about him as he always like this. Then we ask about her workdays. Apparently, her boss called her in due to the short on staff members. Not that me and my brother complaining about it. We have grown fond of her and treat her as our sister. She becomes someone who could tell us apart. Little did we know, this girl is someone else.

After we got her to play, she easily tell us apart. The club seems to be in disbelief. Excluding Kyoya and Mori since they're always expressionless.


We finish our meal and left our tip for her. She bid us goodbye and went back to work. I smile, "Today was enjoyable, don't you think Mori-senpai~?" I nudge the guy with a big smirk on my face.

Mori looks away, blushing a bit, "yeah."

The two hit things off but I couldn't help but wonder...Suki looks oddly familiar every time I see her. Hikaru thought the same but shake it off. It's probably nothing.

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