Author Note

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Hi you guys and girls and furries and...every kind of species that are out there! Let me start off by thank you for reading this book and sticking to it until the end! This is like the very first book that I ACTUALLY finish. I am super proud of myself because being dedicated and figure out how a story should end is hard work!...even though the ending can be a load of shit and a huge disappointment like me lol.

Anyway, I hope you love Masumi as much as I do. Especially her awesome personality. I apologize for some scenes being crappy but I tried. Hopefully, I improve in my other stories!

I also apologize for Masumi to not be a boy. However, I am write a couple of OHSHC with male MCs. Hopefully I'll able to publish one of them soon. Maybe I could finish them also...hopefully I'm not too lazy.

Anyway, go check out my other books(they're really old btw so they are SHIT), even though they're not done. Feel free to message me if you have any suggestions to help me.

Not to mention, I'm secretly working on a Naruto fanfic. Give you a hint: He has a twin sister, very typically if you ask me lol. But I honestly love her, don't know why though. I'll also try to work on the other stories to get them done... hopefully. I might delete them actually and rewrite it. Who knows.

Anyway, thank you again for reading the book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Have a nice day and stay healthy!

Oh and also here's my Instagram account in case you want to check out my artwork or prefer to contact me that way. It's @melo.kitkat feel free to follow~!

Have a nice day/night! Wherever you people are!!! And thanks again for reading my book!

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