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Akuma POV

Elementary school release an hour before High school which made me feel dread inside. No one is there for me. Not even the teachers who don't care but one isn't here to help me. I am surrounded by my classmates, getting a horrible beaten just like every day. I cry as they all made fun of me. They told me they all hate me and how I am a monster. That I shouldn't be born at all. That I should just disappear.

However, I keep hanging in there as I know Oniichan is waiting for me at his school. I need to keep strong so I could go see him. Once I do, Oniichan will make my pain go away. But I do wish Oniichan will come out of nowhere to save me from this pain.

I wish I wasn't weak! I wish I'm not pathetic! I wish I don't look like this! I wish I wasn't even born! But...How could Oniichan stand so strong? He could fight back. He could make the scariest people back down even though he looks so different. I wish I could be like him. I wanna see Oniichan!

After an hour, I limp my way over to the high school. When I arrive, a nice man saw me and bring me to the nurse's office to take care of my injuries. They question me but I refuse to answer because I knew I'll get in trouble. However, I did tell them my name. Then, the guy asks why am I here when I should be at home. So I answer him.

"I'm an orphan...But I'm here to see Oniichan," I tell him, "He told me to go to music room 3 to meet him. Then he'll take care of me."

He seems surprised but nonetheless, he decides to show me there. Eventually, we're in front of the big door. He bid his goodbye and good luck before leaving me. I stare at the big door as I heard chatter and laughter, mainly from females. Feeling extremely nervous, I take a deep breath before opening the door. That is when the magic happens.

A bunch of good looking men smile and welcome me in. However, there's no Oniichan.

"Oh look," One of the twins said.

"It's just a kid," The other twin speak. Both giving me blank looks.

All of a sudden, a tall blonde come up close to me with a rose, "Dear, why are you here today?"

Most girls would blush and get embarrass. Hint, I said most. Terrified, I tear up and start wailing. People saw and watching. A male brunette, looking like a girl, tries to calm me down but I keep crying, unable to handle this scary situation. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Oniichan with 3 girls. He appears to be helping them. Nonetheless, I run to him crying, "Oniichan!"

Oniichan turns and saw me. he quickly kneels and opens his arms, allowing me to engulf him with a hug. I cry as he picks me up and rubs my back, "There, there, it's okay Akuma-Chan." He kisses my forehead.

Calming down a little, Oniichan wipes my tears gently and gives me a tissue to blow my nose in before tossing it in the trash that comes out of nowhere. With Oniichan here, I don't feel scared anymore. I hold onto him closely as he pats my head, "Akuma-Chan, why were you crying?" I point at the creepy tall blonde. I am oblivious to the scary aura and the tension that suddenly appears in this room, "Tamaki-San~ We're gonna have to talk after the club. You don't mind, do you~?"

This guy Tamaki is frightened for his life, hiding behind his friends. What a weird guy.

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