Chapter: 56

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Masumi POV

After Haruhi told the girls everything, the guys are in a competition to get the last room. We watch in amusement as they try their best. The three girls who used to be my guests, cheer them on while Haruhi and I shake our head. Meanwhile, Hayami is following Misuzu, learning the ways of refreshing.

Right now, Tamaki is fixing the fence horribly which made me mentally note to fix that as Hani eating cake. No figures. I am sitting in at the same table as Kyoya who happened to join me. Despite what he look at me weeks before, I didn't mind being around him. He doesn't give me a sense that I should be wary and frighten of him.

As the twins being twins, I keep my eye right at Takashi who's shirtless right now and chopping off a log of wood.

"I see you already found your favorite, in a different sense that is," Kyoya suddenly spoke, startling me. I blush a little as I look at him. He simply gives me that smug look that he gives me sometimes whenever tease or made fun of me in his own little way. He turns to look at Haruhi, "And who do you favor?"

Haruhi, of course, doesn't know so Kyoya explains the details. Of course, he's on point. The second he said there's a number of ways to make things interesting, I have a feeling he might point out Tamaki's talent. After all...I smirk, we do have a grand piano.


Closing my eyes as I listen to him play. It's been so long since the last time I heard him. I wonder how he chooses his music piece and why. Nonetheless, it sounds lovely and beautiful. I never heard anyone play the piano with that much passion since...they died. I shake my head internally, getting the sadness off of me. After all, I am on vacation.

However...everything went silent as a vase crash onto the floor. I quickly stand up as I see Kaoru and Haruhi on the floor. I sigh in relief, knowing they're not hurt until I heard Kaoru has a scratch on his cheek. I look at him worriedly but then unamused as the twin did their everyday activities during club hours. Resulting them winning.

Just when I am about to go inside, Kyoya's voice stops me, "I'm surprised." I look at him. He look at me, "Even after all we did to you, you still concerned about us."

My fringe covers my face, "Of course I would. It's human nature."

"True but I believe it's more than that," he said.

I stand there silently before looking at him. His eyes widen when he saw tears in my eyes, "No matter how you treated me and what you said to me, I would always see you in my eyes. After all...I still think of you as my friends, my precious family. Even if it is very stupid to do so."

I walk away, leaving an astonish Shadow king

Kyoya POV

I sit there, stunning by the girl's action and words. I smile as I chuckle a little to myself. Fingers interlock with each all as I rest my elbows on the table.

"Well, I'll be damn. Quite a lady I see," I laugh again to myself before eyeing Mori who's working, "if you somehow claim her to be yours, you're one lucky guy, senpai."

Masumi POV

Later in the night, Hayami is tuck away in bed, sleeping away. I was sitting beside her, moving her hair out the way as a mother would do. I smile softly at the young girl who's my only real family by papers.

Sudden, music begins to playing outside. Not outside of my room but outside, near my room. I walk near the windows and my eyes widen. I see Takashi...looking up at my window.

I open the window and see him smile before he begins to sing. I closed my eyes and smile, resting at the window thing which the author couldn't think of right and hopefully fix that later if she remembers or isn't lazy.

Even though the song isn't saying he's sorry...I could feel that he loves me. Confessing how he feels about me. This was enough to know he cares and made a mistake. (I forgot the English lyrics to this and I'm lazy to research so please deal with it.)

Most won't forgive if they're in my position but I'm not apart of that category. Everyone deserves a second chance, after all.

Tears run down my cheek. After he finishes singing, his arms open. I climb up and jump off with my arms up, "Takashi!"

He catches me. He hugs me tightly as spin around. He kisses my forehead, "I'm sorry, Masumi-Chan. I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you so much."

"It's okay Takashi-kun! I love you too!" I give him a closed-eye toothy grin.

We both lean on and kiss each other passionately. We haven't realized people were watching until they're clapping and whistling. We blush as we look at each other. We ended up laughing.

What a crazy day.

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