Chapter: 4

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Third POV

The next day, Haruhi stay close to the Hitachiin twins to make sure they apologize with sincerity. Then when the first free period starts, she'll get the Host Club to apologize to Masumi.

Ever since yesterday, Haruhi was worried about Masumi and still is since Tamaki punched him in the face as he and the others falsely accused him of something he never did.

The three wait impatiently as they wonder where Masumi is. Despite Masumi "bad" reputation, he doesn't seem like he'll miss school or be late as he's always on time. He looks like he didn't care but he still comes anyway. Most likely for attendance, even though he skipped classes yesterday a couple of hours before school ended.

"Where do you think he is?" Hikaru question.

"I know right. Do you think he stay at home because of us?" Kaoru wonders.

"Even though I don't believe in rumors, people say he comes to school whether he's injured or not," Haruhi informs, "Masumi comes to school no less. But if he's hospitalized then that's a whole different story."

Time went by, eventually to the second free period. There's no sight of Masumi anywhere. Maybe he did skip school but that's weird.

The entire Host Club come to see him but no Masumi Tsukasa is there. As they walk, they overhear a groups of people talking.

"Serves Masumi right!" One said

"We beat him so bad he couldn't get up," another speak.

Someone else laughs, "and here we thought he's tough when he's a weakling."

"Karma is a bitch. It's what he gets for destroying MY sweet Haruhi's things like that," a different person then declares, "if he dare hurt him or any of the host club, he's going down!"

Haruhi is clearly angry. But Tamaki is angrier than her. He shouts, "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO TO TSUKASA?!"

They all flinch as they never heard him angry except yesterday. One of the answers, "we beat him up! After all, he's in the wrong! He destroy Haruhi's stuff when he was being nice to him!"

"Tsukasa-kun is innocence!" He exclaims, causing them to be confused. Just yesterday, Tamaki punched Masumi in the face as he accused him, "the host club and I was in the wrong. It was someone else and Tsukasa-kun, being a good person he is, gathered Haruhi's things and replaced them."

They look guilty and skeptical at the same time. No less, everyone heard and they're unsure about this. After all, Masumi Tsukasa is the boy who gets into a fight, despite his size and never pay attention in school but always have good grades. Everyone suspects him of cheating, despite receiving a different test from them to make sure of that.

I hope Tsubaki-kun/-san/Sumi-chan is alright, the Host Club all thought.


Currently, in the alleyway, all bruised up as Masumi was bleeding. They sprain his left ankle badly as he couldn't get up. He was jumped by a bunch of pooches. He could've fought back but being the better person, he let them do it as they accused him of destroying Haruhi's belongings. He didn't bother saying anything, knowing no one will even listen.

Masumi managed to take out his phone and call someone. A minute later, his good friend, Umehito Nekozawa and his two weird servants have arrived.

"Masumi!" Nekozawa exclaims as he rushes to his side, "are you alright? What happened?"

"Those damn pooches jumped on me, getting their revenge of 'destroying' Haruhi's stuff," He reply with a sigh, "just help me recover will you, Hito-kun(Umehito name).

He helps him with his male strength, they're able to make it to the top. Once Masumi is the car, everyone joins and drive to his mansion. Nekozawa, being Masumi one and only best friend, check on her as this never happens.

Once they arrived, his personal doctors take care of Masumi. By the time Masumi is free from the clutches of the men and women in white clutches, he's wrapped with bandages in all four limb, a little bit of the neck, his head, and a new bandage on his still bruised cheek. He's using clutches as he has a cast on his left ankle.

Masumi looks at Nekozawa, "come on, let's go to school."

Nekozawa agreed as he knows full and well Masumi would be late for school than never miss a day of school. He's a good student even though he will drift away from reality and listen to his jam.

"Let's go. The car is waiting," Nekozawa inform as he helps his best friend go to the car.

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