Chapter: 23

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Takashi POV

Watching Tamaki chasing the twins as if it was Tom and Jerry, along with keeping a high alert for any enemies, I hear the door open. I am not the only one who notices it. We turn to look and see Haruhi...Riding on Masumi's back. My heart tightens a bit when I saw this as a strange feeling swarm inside of my body. I don't know why I'm feeling this way.

Masumi put Haruhi down. That was when we all stare at each other. In complete. Utter. Silence. We didn't know what to do or say as Masumi does his best to stay away from us. Well, there were times when he gives Mitsukuni a piece of candy as if he's a little kid. Then again...I look down at Hani, ...He does act and look like a kid. It's no wonder Masumi treats him kindly. Even I sometime forgot he's the SAME age as me. I think others would forget that too.

Then, Haruhi elbow Masumi's stomach hashing, causing him to bend a little as he hugs his belly in pain. Haruhi glares at him. Something almost snaps inside as if seeing Masumi being treated like that makes me want to protect him.

"Masumi-kun," Haruhi spoke sternly.

Masumi rolled his eyes at him, "Yeah, yeah, I got it." Standing up straight but slouching slightly. Hands in his pocket as her face is now void of any kind of emotion, "I'm here to join your lame Host Club."

It took us a minute to process what he just stated. "NANI?!"

Tamaki's eyes shine as he somehow teleported in front of him. "You finally open your eyes and see how you can make the world a better place! Using your beauty..."

He rants on about random things that are most likely irrelevant to Masumi. I notice Kyoya seems to be interested in the sudden turn out event. I look back at Masumi, who's already getting annoyed with the guy.

Masumi POV

The second I noticed Takashi, I hold in my blush and trying to calm down my hormones. Anyway, after Haruhi being the lovely girl she is, elbowing hard into my belly. Hurts like hell by the way. It makes me wonder how come she isn't in Kendo or Karate club. She'll make a good asset if she learns how to fight. Anyway, back to the story.

Tamaki rant on about some stupid shit. Once I had enough, I glare at him which cause him to shut his mouth immediately. "Keep that disgusting mouth shut and stay far away from me or else I'll destroy you completely." He hid behind the couch where Kyoya, their Shadow King is currently at, writing in his dea— notebook. An ordinary black notebook is a use to keep tabs on things. It DEFINITELY doesn't kill people like that Light guy, aka, Kira. Rest In Peace, L.

"Now, now, no need to get all violent," Kyoya smile as if he's happy that I'm here, "Tell me what change your mind. From what I experienced, you hate us with every fiber of your being."

"And I still do but I'm doing it for Haruhi," I retort rudely as I didn't realize the words I just say was hurting my crush, "Apparently, this brat got herself into a deeper pickle." He glances at Haruhi, who's avoiding any eye contact. Clearly regret and hate herself for destroying another priceless vase that costs way more than the first vase that she has broken.

"Sure, you're welcome to join," His classes glisten.

"But on two conditions."

Kyoya's eyes narrow, "And that is...?"

"I don't do club early in the morning. Lunch, and all of my free periods. I'll only host on after school on certain days," I said sternly as we both have a staredown, "And I don't do cosplay unless I choose to. Deal or no deal?"

Kyoya thought about it for a moment before agreeing. The twins and Tamaki are in disbelief. They begin to question his decision as they talk about how I was going to kill them. I would do that now because they're giving me a headache first thing in the morning during school. I'm starting to regret my decision.

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