Chapter: 34

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Third POV

After that day, things become a bit awkward between Takashi. However, people notice Masumi uses the hairpins that Takashi given him. He reveals both eyes. Both men and women blush at the sight of Masumi. His features resemble a girl that attracts them. Takashi, on the other hand, watches Masumi from afar. He's very happy that Masumi actually uses his present. Despite not liking his face shown. Maybe he becomes comfortable.

Little did he know...Masumi is the type of person who doesn't want a gift goes to waste. Whenever he receives something and couldn't deny it, he would have to do something with it. Not just leave it out or something. He could've given it away but he'll be EXTREMELY guilty for doing so. Especially when Takashi is still in school. Yup, that the type of person that Masumi Tsukasa is.

Masumi POV

I look at myself in the reflection of a mirror inside the bathroom which no one is currently using. I let out a sigh as I look down sadly. The reflection reminds me of my mother and my eyes remind me of my father. I am a constant reminder of them. That's why my Aunt never likes seeing me anymore and hurt me when she sees my face. I even cut my hair off just to look less like her.

Tears fell down if only I wasn't sick...If only I convinced them not to buy me anything...If only I could spend more time with them...If only I could thank them for everything that they have done...If only I could tell them how much I love them. I love them so much. There was so much more we could do together with the little one who supposed to come out...My sweet baby sister...The little girl that could have the whole world in her tiny hands. She never got to see the world, the beautiful world of ours. I shut my eyes holding back the tears, If only I could exchange my life for their...

After taking care of myself, I went to the library and check out some books to study before heading to the club room. However, when I arrived, I saw a red-headed screaming and yelling, something about being Kyoya fiancé. Annoying like omfg. I sigh again before smiling a little and headed over to the girl. I pat her head which caught her attention.

I give her a warm, sweet, brotherly smile, "Hello Miss, is there something the matter?"

She blushes deeply as she stares through my glasses into my yellow eyes. She stutter. I fake chuckle, "Silly. I'll leave you to it, imouto-Chan. Call me whenever you need me." She simply nods.

I walk away as everyone look surprise while Kyoya is writing and Takashi looks unfazed as if he knows.


I didn't know what is happening. Some filming crew came from Hollywood out of nowhere and we had to act. The twins...I don't know what the fuck is with them. They're practically acting the SAME but more INCEST as basketball players and not caring those around them or some shit. Tamaki has to be the lonely prince and wow, he's very into it. Meanwhile, Hani has to be the bully and Takashi has to be Hani's childhood friend who has a crush on me. Haruhi is simply the oblivious, honor student and me, as Haruhi's best friend who's also an honor student. I always protect Haruhi who doesn't know about the bullying. Here's our script:

Haruhi and I are resting under the tree, chatting cheerfully. However, I notice Hani and Takashi coming over. I look at Haruhi with a closed eyes smile, "Haru-kun, can you get the snacks in my bag? I forgot to bring it to you."

"Sure!" She exclaims happily. She got up and dust her butt, "Wait here, Kay?"

"You better hurry~," I said. She laughs before running off to the school.

By the time she left, Hani and Takashi came in front of me. Takashi stayed quiet as Hani sneer at me. I glare back at them. We stare at each other as the clouds came and it starts raining.

"Ha. Look who it is, Masumi, the honor student. Still protecting that brat of yours?" Hani asks.

"At least he has a brain unlike you," I snort.

Hani grabs me by the collar. I harden my glare. "Mitsukuni..." Takashi mumbles.

"Shut up, Takashi or else," Hani dead glares at his friend. Takashi immediately shuts up, looking guilty.

" I had enough. People just don't know how to stay in their place," A second later, Hani tears up before he starts crying. He hugs me tightly and apologizing over and over. I smile weakly and pats his head, telling it's alright and it's fine. The girl, Renge, isn't having it. Of course, I calm her down with my smile.

Anyway, here's the other script with me and Takashi.

It's up on the school roof after I 'found' note in my locker. I open the door and saw Takashi, who's near the edge of the roof and turn to look at me. I look at him skeptically as I shut the door behind me and clutch the paper that's in my hand.

"Come here," He orders emotionlessly.

"No way," I stand my ground, "You could be up to something. That something isn't good when it's coming from you."

"I do but not what you're thinking," he said as he walks towards me. I try to open the door but it is a lock. I look at Takashi who's closer to be. He corners me as one of his knees is between my leg, as both of his hands are on each side of my face. He snickers, "I made sure the door automatically lock and I have the key. You're all alone, with me." (OOC I know.)

"Wh-What do you want with me?" I ask nervously.

"What I want is...something I want and need for a while..." He answers as he lifts my head up by my chin gently.

Before I knew it, he kisses me deeply in my lips. My eyes shot open as my mind race through many thoughts like I thought we were pretending or why the hell he's doing this or what is this feeling I'm feeling.

He moves his face away from me, as I am clearly red. He smirks whispering, "You're so cute." Then kiss me on the neck.

"CUT!" Renge squeal as she fangirl about this.

Takashi looks disappointed which I don't know why. To be honest...I am disappointed too...I clutch my chest where my heart is located is at. My heart is still racing as I could still feel my face is still showing red from the kiss. I like it...I really like it. I glance at Takashi who no longer shows any emotion. I am upset by that...

Was that kiss...meant nothing to him? Was it just pretend...? I wonder sadly, My first kiss...Easily taken away from a man of a few words or most likely less...Just do as he told...But that kiss...Told me otherwise...What on earth is going on here?

Oh, and if you wondering where's the kids are at, they're with Aunt and Uncle.

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