Chapter: 43

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Masumi POV

A day is like no other day.

Bump into Haruhi with the kids.

Dropping them off.

Head to school and homeroom together.

Study and do work.

Me skipping classes.

Haruhi comes and gets me as she scolds me. Like, come on. Is she my mother or what?

Eat lunch with Haruhi at my favorite spot.

Along with trying to avoid the Host Club.

And so on.

But the only different thing happen was...

Takashi starts taking his role as a boyfriend more seriously after that day. It confuses me as I simply thought it was just a role but it's more than a simple role. I mean, Haruhi said he likes me more than a friend but I couldn't help questioning it. Plus, he never officially asks me. I'm afraid of asking since it's my first time.

Anyway, after school isn't like any other after school activities. Today, I have to go to work at the cafe. Of course, everyone decided to tag along. Today's theme is gender bender butler and maid. My boss said I could just be a man to bring in more female customers. Not to mention, people think I'm a girl. Little did she know, I'm bringing my friends who are a bunch of looking guys.

I still go by the name of Suki but today my name is Jun. Girls LOVE me. After dealing with that, the club requested my services.

Being in character, I closed my eyes with a smile and bow, "Hello, Masters. Jun is at your service. How may I help you today?"

"Jun, my twin and I decided to get something new. Any recommendation?" Kaoru asks.

"Well, you can try the chicken and pineapple quesadillas with a side of Marinara sauce. It's one of a foreign dish from a place called Mexico. As for beverages, a strawberry and kiwi smoothie or the blueberries bliss which contains manly blueberries, with some strawberries and raspberries. Along with some bananas," I tell them professionally with a kind smile, "Personally, I like that dish with strawberry and kiwi smoothie."

"We'll like that," he said, "I'll get the strawberry and kiwi smoothie."

"And I'll get the blueberry bliss," Hikaru said.

"...I'll like the same but strawberry and kiwi smoothie..."Takashi mumbles to my surprise.

I smile and write it down. I look at the others, "Would you guys like anything?"

"I want a strawberry shortcake and milk," Hani smile.

"I'll get a hamburger and a soda," Tamaki said.

"Then I get a cheeseburger with extra pickles and extra cheese. Along with medium fries and a cup of orange juice," Haruhi orders. Our friends look at them in disbelief. She glares, "What?"


"I would like to have water, please," Kyoya said.

"Are you sure?" I ask, " We could make you some appetizers or something."

"Hmm...Then I would like some of your famous sushi then and a glass of water," he smiles.

I write it down before looking at them, "It'll come shortly soon."

Tamaki POV

"Wow, I wish Masumi-San could act friendly to us like this more often," Tamaki smile as he leans back, "He's quite a natural and very popular with the ladies."

"We have known him ever since we came here boss," Hikaru said.

"Well, not personally but we knew he's really good with customers," Kaoru adds.

"Isn't he a cook too?" Hani questions curiously.

"We're not sure but maybe," They shrug.

"He is," Haruhi speaks up, catching our attention, "Since I got to know him, unlike you guys." She empathizes, making us remember how we treated him back then, "He's a really good cook. I tried his cooking before when he came over."

I gasp, "What?! you tried another man cooking?" I imagine Haruhi falling in love with Masumi and them getting married together. I place my hands on her shoulders, "Daddy says no! You two are siblings!"

"First of all, you discriminating," I pointed at the twin who looks quite offended, "And second, we're not even sibling and you're not my father." That stab me in the heart. "Lastly, Masumi belongs to Takashi, remember?"

I gasp again, "that's right!" I look over at Takashi "how's your relationship is going?" he look away.

Before we could continue out, Masumi came out of nowhere with our beverages, "Why are you guys so noisy? you're disturbing the other masters and mistresses."

"S-Sorry..." We apologize.

"What gotten you guys so rally up anyway?" He questions as he gives us our drinks.

We try to make an answer but someone else catches his attention and made him go away. We all sigh in relief.

Masumi POV

As I continue my work and chatting with my friends from time to time, my phone starts to ring. Excusing myself from work, I went to the locker room and pick up. My eyes shock open as the phone drop.

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