Chapter: 41

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Masumi POV

Sitting together with Kyoya, drinking a mango smoothie casually in this tropical-like amusement park that the Ootori owns. Hani and Takashi invited me earlier so I agreed once they promise to bring me shorts and a T-shirt for me. I sweatdrop as I watch the twins take Haruhi to the changing room, most likely for her to wear a bikini. I shake my head at the club's childish antics.

I look at Kyoya who seems to be working, "If this place supposed to have people relax and stress-free, then right now, it's losing their meaning."

"I don't know what you mean," Kyoya smile at me.

I roll my eyes, "Mr.Ootori, you know well what I mean," I say in a mocking voice, "You should stop working unless..." I look at him seriously, "you have a different intention of why you brought us here in the first place."

"Nonsense. You're thinking too hard," Kyoya simply smile, causing me to roll my eyes at him again.

"Bullshit," I state, "I bet this thing is new so you're using us as genie pigs."

"My, my, how smart you are," He said as he look at everyone, "Since you know about it, how about you—"

Before he could finish, Haruhi waltz out with a yellow jacket and shorts. "Where's your swimming suit, sexy?" I ask in a playful tone.

"Underneath, pervert," Haruhi speak playfully in return, sticking her tongue out at me.

"You damn dog! Don't speak to my baby girl like that!" Tamaki yells at me before turning to Haruhi, "You! You're not supposed to respond back like that! That's it! By the order of your father, you're forbidden to go anywhere near him!"

"Sorry to burst your bubbles but, we bump into each other when we walk to school," I point out, "Not to mention we have classes together."

"Also, you're not my dad so you have no say in it," Haruhi state in a factly tone of voice.

Tamaki went to his corner. I shake my head at the weirdo. After that, Haruhi and Kyoya speak to each other. I got up and start stretching. Then Hani comes over to ask me if I want to eat some cake which I deny and told him later. Then the twins come and ask where's the food is at since they came here late so they didn't get a tour like me, Tamaki, Hani, and Takashi did. So I point where and they skip over. I sigh again at Thing 1 and Thing 2. I notice Takashi looking up at the sky or should I say ceiling.

I went by his side, ignoring the fact he's half-naked, "Hey, Mori-senpai, you're not going into the water?"

He look down at me and shakes his head. I noticed his eyes are looking directly at my bandages. I show it to him with a blank look, "Oh this? You could say I was abused by my aunt." His eyes widen which I notice. I smile, "I said was. It was a while ago before Hayami and Nathan enter our lives. I look like a mother who is my aunt's sister. Along with the same eyes as my father. She hated that so much and became a bit delusional, especially when she's drunk. The reason why I cover one of my eyes. Then after my first time playing again, my aunt finally fully see-through that I am her niece, not my mother, and father. Everything is all cool now."

All he did is grunt is response and ruffles my hair. I pout at him playfully which made him smirk mischievously. Before I knew it, he picks me up and thrown me into the water. So I pretend I couldn't swim which lead him to try and save me. However, I dunk him in the water, leading to a full-on splash war.


After playing in the water with Takashi, I head back over to Kyoya but I couldn't help hearing Haruhi explaining what's a small, inflatable pool. I smack my face so hard when they said it's an inflatable boat.

"Are you guys stupid or what?" I ask rhetorically, catching their attention, "Haven't you seen little kids playing in one? Geez. This isn't rocket science."

"See? Masumi-Kunknows what I'm talking about," She said as I stand next to her.

Out of nowhere, Tamaki pulls the twins aside, whispering quite loudly. Like bitch, we could hear from you!

"you idiots! if Haruhi and Masumi think it's a pool, then it's a pool!" Tamaki scold them ignorantly, "Don't go embarrassing them, especially Haruhi! They can't help that they're ignorant commoners."

"So you what us to lie to them? Is that what you want?" The twins ask.

We stare at them with a blank but irritate expression, speaking in sync, "I can't help but feel very offended by that comment." We both look at each other before laughing together.

Leaving Haruhi with those idiots, I sit beside Kyoya who offers me a cocoanut drink. "Sorry but I'm allergic to coconut," I said.

"My apologies. I didn't know that" he got rid of it and give me a tropical smoothie that doesn't contain cocoanut before writing things down in the book.

"it's fine. Thank you," I take it and drink it.

"Looks like you're enjoying your time here," He said, "Especially with Mori-senpai."

"What are you implying?" I give him a stern look.

"Nothing at all," he said coolly and innocently, "Back what we were talking about earlier, what's your opinion on the park?"

"Hmm, let's see," I look around, noticing the twins having a bit trouble going down the slides due to lack of water, "you could put more water in the water slides and from what I can see, maybe less big round of the curves, if you know what I mean or else someone might get hurt. Especially little kids." I look elsewhere as I hand Takashi my drink who come near us, taking a break from swimming with Hani, "As much as I love the animals, you might need fewer alligators before you scare everyone away or give them heart attacks. That'll be bad for people with a weak heart." Then I look where the controllers are, "You might what to change that too or else something bad happens."

As if on cue, Tamaki flew himself to the hidden controller, causing the current waves that Hani is in to move like a storm, taking him away. Takashi and I try to go after him but he slips on a banana peel.

"Takashi..." I mutter as I went to help him up. I look at him worriedly, "Are you okay?" He didn't say anything but look where Hani was at.

Becoming serious, I slip away without being noticed to look for Hani.

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