Chapter: 42

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Masumi POV

I left the gang to look for Hani without being noticed. Which is probably the best because they'll go to drag me down. I remember everything from Kyoya's information to the map's entire layout. You could say I have a photographic memory. It explains why I remember things so well.

Not to mention I could easily get pass by the alligators. You could say I am the King of the Animal Kingdom. Bitch please, no way I'm like that. I wish I am though. Animals seem to like me or be frightening to me. Don't know why when I just glare at them. Nonetheless, it got the job done. I follow where the wave pool that Hani was at since it could easily lead me where he could be located at.

I continue to walk and call for his name. "Hani-senpai! Hani!"

"Sumi-Chan!" Someone response.

My eyes widen at the familiar voice. I continue to run, eventually seeing Hani. Hani tears up and jumps hug me, "Sumi-Chan! I was so scared!"

I hug him back and rub his back, "Don't worry. I'm here now." I put him down and study him, "you didn't get hurt, did you?"

"I have a scratch on my head," He replies to me.

I notice him bleeding a bit on his forehead. I take out my mini first aid kit and take care of his injuries, "Once we get back, let's get you to a doctor to make sure you didn't get a concussion." he nodded in agreement.

He climbs onto me and sits on my shoulder. I smile before looking around the area before pointing, "Let's head this way. That way, we can make it back without running into alligators."

"A-Alligators?" He tears up.

I give him an assuring smile, "Don't worry. They're not going to hurt you as long I'm around." he smiles back.

We went on with our journey. Well, stop a couple of times for some bananas lol.

Third POV

As they about to head out, Haruhi notices Masumi isn't with them. Kyoya concludes that Masumi probably went off on his own to look for Hani which made Tamaki upset because he's his son. Boy! Pick something already! Is he your son? Your 'enemy?' Or what? Like, make up your mind already, you idiot!

Haruhi POV

I glance at Takashi who's have a straight face, curious what he is thinking. After all, Hani is his cousin and they're always together. Not to mention, Masumi went missing as well. Everyone knew that Takashi has a crush on Masumi but no one else knows that Masumi likes Takashi. It's another reason why Masumi decided to look for Hani by herself.

Well, I forgot to discuss the main reason. Knowing Masumi made me learn that he could easily find Hani, faster than anyone else. Some say it's instinct or a superpower. But I believe it's a part of her trait and maybe an instinct as well. Masumi loves children or someone who reminds him of them. He could find them no problem without any sort of big leads or not. But it's not just kids, if one of her closest friend or family went missing, she'll look for them nonstop.

I tried telling everyone this but I was simply ignored. So right now, we're wondering in this fake, real life-like jungle to search for them. I wince a little when Takashi slip on another banana peel which made one of the twins to state that he's acting clumsy like Tamaki. I agree with it completely but no time to joke.

Then the rain came or other words, a 'squal.' We have taken shelter and wait until it clears up.

I hope those two are alright.

Masumi POV

Hani and I sat under a tree, chatting casually, not knowing the idiots are looking for us and act like nothing is wrong. Truthfully, we didn't give a damn, knowing we would be rejoining everyone soon enough after the rain disappear. Along with eating some fruits. Don't know why they're here like damn. The Ootori really wants to make this park real as possible.

Once it did, Hani and I continue to chat like there's no tomorrow. All of a sudden, we hear voices. We peek and see two familiar faces in trouble. I whisper in Hani's ear who agrees.

Haruhi POV

Surround by strange men who look like the police force. I tried to explain but no one seems to listen to me. Out of nowhere, Hani and Masumi come out of nowhere, swinging vines like Tarzan and attacks them. I sweatdrop as Takashi keep a straight, blank face like always. I am in very disbelief when Hani could easily beat them with his size. I knew Masumi has a reputation of being strong but not this strong. I need to remember to asks Masumi to do late night shopping with me so I don't bother my father who works all day.

After they finish beating them up, Hani states, "You guys should be careful who you mess with! Picking on our friends is bad." Acting cute. I can't remember a time where he doesn't like damn.

Then Takashi walks over to Masumi. I watch the two interact.

"Takashi..." She looks at him questioningly.

He smiles a little before leaning in and kisses her, "Thank."

She blushes deeply, unable to say anything. I laugh at these two.

I totally ship this!

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