Chapter: 57

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Masumi POV

Takashi stayed over in my room for them tonight. Takashi never let go so we ended up sleeping together. I was the first one to wake up.

I giggle softly before getting for the day. I decided to wear a simple yellow sundress with black roses design on them. Wearing regular sandals, I made my way down the stairs.

There, Haruhi is awake with Misuzu, Maple, Kiki, and Sasha. Along with other morning customers.

The second they saw me, they begin to tease me about it. After all, they do sleep here and it's most likely that they heard. They probably saw the whole thing too. How embarrassing!

I blush deeply, "omg! Just leave me alone! It's too early for this!" I cover my face with my hands, obviously embarrassed.

They apologize in a playful tone. Sasha wraps her arm around my shoulder, "so~ does that meant you and Mori-senpai are together~?" I nod which made them squeal.

"What? Masumi-Chan and Mori-senpai are a couple now...?" We turn and see Tamaki in deep shock.

"Yup" we turn to see the Hitachiin twins on the stairs, staring at us.

"Romantic singing and confessing with a kiss and everything," Kaoru smirk.

I blush at them, knowing they saw the whole thing because...we're a couple of doors away from their room sadly.

Tamaki beam. He comes over and picks me up, spinning in joy, "final! This is wonderful news! Good job!"

"T-Tamaki~senpai!" I yell at him; getting a bit dizzy.

He panics and places me down, "I-I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. You put me down before I get sick and puke my last night dinner," I said with a smile.

"That's not what I mean. Well, I'm sorry about that too. But it's just, that I," he grabs my hands and look at me, full of regret and sincere, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry about what I said to you! It outlined and I shouldn't have done that! I should've known you did your best and there was a perfect explanation for why you couldn't save Haruhi! I shouldn't know better to think you're invincible when obviously you're not. You are not some superhuman. You're a human being."

I stare at him surprise before giving him a closed smile. I stand on my tippy toes because he is tall as hell, and pat his head, "it's okay. All of forgiven, senpai."

His eyes shine before head hug tightly, suffocating me, "it's the first time that you called me senpai! I'm so happy! Next, you'll be called me Daddy."

"Senpai! You're killing her!" Haruhi shouts at him.

Tamaki notice and see my soul coming out of my mouth. He and the others start panicking.


I finish making breakfast for Takashi and Hayami. I place the dishes and cups on the trays before being them to the room.

To my surprise, Hayami has already wakened up and hugs Takashi as he hugs her back. He picks her up and tossing her into the air and catching her. Doing the cycle over and over again.

I laugh, "well I see two of my favorite people already up and energetic. How about the use that energy to eat?" They sit down properly as I give them their tray. I kiss their cheeks, "good morning, Sweethearts."

"Good morning neechan!" She exclaims happily before stuffing her face.

"Good morning, love," he kisses my lips.

Hayami giggles as she covers her eyes. We both laugh at her. Takashi ruffles her hair.

Later that morning, Kyoya came in and ate breakfast. Takashi came back with new clothes and Hani. Hani started crying as he hugs me and apologizes over and over again. I smile weakly as I pat him on the head with him on my lap.

"No matter what, I could never stay mad at you," I smile at him.

Haruhi deadpanned, "you and I both know that's a load of bullshit. Make one wrong more, game over."

"Haruhi! You shouldn't use dirty words in front of her!" Tamaki scolds her as he covers Hayami's ears.

Haruhi waves it off, "it's fine. We cuss in front of her, along with with Nathan, all the time." He gasps.

I look at Hayami, "Yami-Chan, what did your neechans say about those bad boy words?"

"Never use them until I'm older and in front of family and friends," She speaks proudly, "however, if very, very angry, I could do so even when I'm not at age. I must pray to God to forgive me and my sins after I finish cursing."

Haruhi pats her head and gives her a piece of candy, "good girl."

"That's still bad!" Tamaki scream.

"Well, that's how I raised then. If you got a problem with that, complain it to my family," I said as I take a sip of my green tea.

"Maybe I will!" He huff.

"Okay. I'll bring you next time when I visit them," I tell him as I yawn. This made him confuse. "Also, make sure to bring flowers."

"Masumi-Chan, do you not live with your parents?" He asks.

"How could I live with them when they're dead?" I ask rhetorically, causing everyone to go silent, "unless I'm dead then maybe I could." I give them a casual smile like it's no big deal.

After all, I accepted their death. Even though that's one of the hardest things that I have done in my entire life.

Author: This is not the end of the book!!!

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