Chapter: 3

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Masumi POV

I finally found all of Haruhi's things, including her pencils, erasers and most importantly of all, her wallet. I notice all her notebooks and textbooks are ruined so I give her mine to keep and a couple of cash to replace some things. I fix my clothes and put on my socks and shoes back on.

Then all of a sudden, I see a tall blonde with blue eyes storming up to me. Before I could react, he grabs me by the collar, "WHY YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THAT HUH?!"

I look at him expressionlessly, "what makes you think I did it? I swear people need to stop assuming things."

"ASSUMING?! I SAW YOU!" He tells at me angrily.

I squint my eyes a bit, very irritated with this guy, "oh really? I definitely know that's a lie and you're only assuming because I'm the only one here. Seems like you peasants really like to assume and blame the innocent."


How revolting. I thought rich people supposed to have class but they're like everyone else. Such a hypocrite. I thought.

"Hypothetically saying, what if I did, what are you do about it?" I question, still in a calm composure.

"SO YOU DID TO IT!" He shouts accusingly.

Omfg. Did you NOT hear me? Fucken dumb— Tamaki punched me in the face hard, leaving a bruise on my left cheek and a little blood coming out of the corner of my lip.

"I knew he couldn't be trusted. Rumors are true," I look to see the twins, glaring at me with two raven head males but one of them wear glasses and shorter than the other one. The taller guy is glaring at me too, holding a little blonde kid as he glares at me.

"You bully!" The little boy shouts at me, "how dare you to do that to Haru-chan!"

I blink as Tamaki drops me down and glare upon me, "don't EVER go near he—him again!"

"Tamaki-senpai! It wasn't him!" Haruhi shouts as she runs over her, catching her breath.

"Why are you protecting him Haruhi?! He's the one that did it!" Tamaki told.

"That's right." One of the twin. "There's no need to protect a guy like him." "After all, he's a horrible person from the start" the twins said at the same time matter factly.

"Yeah, Haru-chan! This guy is a mean bully who threw all your things into the pond! He deserves it!" The little boy exclaims upsetly.

"And I'm telling you—" I place my hand on her shoulder, stopping her. She turns her head to look, "Tsukasa-kun...?"

"Don't bother. It's clear that they won't believe the things you say about me, whether it's true or not," I said before closing my eyes and shrug, "I'm used to it." I open my eyes to stare at her, "anyway, you should go home and dry your things. Anyway, ja ne." I pick up my things and walk past them as I could feel their blazing glare.

What a bunch of morons. Humans are so pathetic these days. Believing rumors whether it's true or not; never hearing or asking for the accuser side of the story. That's all society are and all I could say, they're a load of shit... ... ...I wonder, should I eat ramen or curry tonight... I ended up pondering what I should eat for dinner as I walk home as if it's the most important thing. Wait. It definitely is important. You can't tell me I'm not wrong. Food is LIFE.

Haruhi POV

"Tamaki-senpai! You baka!" I smack Tamaki in the face hard. He and the others look shocked as I glare him, "why did you do that to him?! Did you ever bother hearing his side of the story?"

"Why would I when it's clearly him?!" He asks, getting very upset.

"Because I know Tsukasa-kun! I may not know him long but he's a good person!" I yell at him before pointing at my ruined things, "and are you BLIND?! He CLEARLY retrieved all my things!"

"He could've taken your money," Hikaru mention.

I grab my bag and dig in to see my wallet. I count and my eyes open wide. "See? I to—" I interrupted him, "you're wrong...there's 5 times more money than I already had..." I pick it up and show him the dry money. Then I look into my bag and show them Masumi books, "see? Why would a guy like him do such a thing? And I can't believe you thought those rumors are true! You can't always, the matter of fact, NEVER judge a person by rumors! Have you ever heard HIS side of the story? Did you even know him personally?" They're quiet. "Exactly. Now I want you to apologize to him tomorrow."

"For all you know, he could be lying and make himself look good," Tamaki rebuttal.

"Actually, you're wrong," Kyoya finally said something as he shows everyone his laptop where he has access to the security camera. Clearly showing Seika Ayanokoji throwing my things out the window, "apparently we have a bad princess in our hands and the so-called bad student is innocent."

Tamaki, the twins, Hani, and Mori look guilty. I look at them, "you better apologize to him tomorrow first thing!"


Little did they know a few students overheard how Masumi threw Haruhi things into the pond and left without hearing the rest, spreading the false rumors. It spread like a wild fire.

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