Chapter: 38

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Masumi POV

Haruhi and I stand together in the lunchroom as we watch the twin fight in sync. I would tell her already that they're faking but that's getting rid of the fun. I talked with the two yesterday about it. They promise me some free clothes from their company for me and my fam. Along with Nathan. So, ya, free clothes is basically the main reason why I am keeping it a secret. I'm such a good person.

Then the Host Club comes together because of the ruckus that the twins are making. Hani made it worse with the small strawberry shortcake so Takashi had to take him away. Tamaki notices us but mainly Haruhi. When he notices Haruhi with her bento and an extra, he asks if that's for him. She said no and it's for me. Tamaki then imagines something that is ridiculously false and made a big deal about it.

I roll my eyes, "Tamaki, chill. I usually make my own lunch but because I've been busy balancing school, the club, and fam and my job, I didn't have time to make myself food." I crack my neck, "I rather go to hell than paying overpriced meals here. So Haruhi-Chan volunteered to make lunch whenever I can't make food myself."

"Wait, you make food yourself?" Kaoru asks.

"Yeah," I reply, "Why?"

"It wasn't expected," he responded.

Are you being sexist? The fuck.

A little while later, the twins somehow started fighting. Haruhi and I ditch them.


In the meeting, they talk about the twins and shit. However, when I had enough, I went to talk to the twins who are at the rose maze.

"You guys, when are you going to stop fake fighting? The club is being annoying," I sigh.

"When Haruhi decided to let us come over to her house," Hikaru reply, "Until then, we will stop."

I roll my eyes before laying my head on his lap and legs on Kaoru lap. "You two are annoying."

They both smile, "And that's what makes us lovable, Oniichan."

"But I couldn't help but find you familiar...Right, Hikaru?" Kaoru asks his twin.

"You're right but where?"

I shake my head, you guys are Baka. I'm Suki, your favorite waitress.


Later the day, they continue to fight and made ass big mess. Tamaki has reached his limit. The twin then leads the fight to use Nekozawa's curse doll which made Haruhi jump in and scolds them. Which lead her to threaten them to not let them come over to her house. Hehe, Baka. The twin snickers and made up.

I yawn, "Finally, you guys stop faking your argument."

"Wait, you knew?!" They ask, staring at me with disbelief. Excluding a few people that you should already know.

"Well obviously," I laugh at their faces.

"How come you didn't tell us!" Tamaki asks.

"Because they told me not to and they promise me some clothes," I shrug, "After all, I am a 'commoner.'" Haruhi glares at me. I simply chuckle and kiss her forehead.

But then the twins' eyes shot wide open. They point at me, "THAT'S RIGHT! THE REASON WHY YOU LOOK FAMILIAR IS BECAUSE YOU'RE SUKI FROM OUR FAVORITE CAFE!" Their, except Haruhi, eyes expand and stare at me.

"Finally you guy realized it," Hands in my pocket while rolling my eyes at them, "you pigs are quite dumb. It's been weeks and you guys finally notice. Even Haruhi already knew."

The twins hug me tightly with smiles our their faces. They're probably glad to know one of their friends...know who's who other than Haruhi. To them, there were two groups. Them and everyone else. Until they met me through a cafe. Next, Haruhi Fujioka. Two people have made their way through to their world, crumbling their walls. I watch them over ever since I met them in that cafe. Their eyes look lonely when no one could know who's who. Their eyes sparkle in happiness when someone finally figures them out. No one could see that but I could.

I smile softly before hugging them closely, whispering in their ears, "...You're not alone anymore. You can always count on us." Their eyes widen before tears roll down their cheeks.

I notice Takashi staring at us. I look up at him and give him a smile. He blushes and look away from me quickly. Such a weirdo.

"Wait...Doesn't that mean...Masumi is a cross-dresser?!" They gasps.

I glare, "got a problem with that?" They shake their heads no quickly.

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