Chapter: 31

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Takashi POV

After the fools who I call them my friends and comrades bump into me, causing me to fall on top of Masumi. I knew I should get up but one look into his eye, time stop completely. Her yellow is so beautiful, so captivating. Unconsciously, I lift up one of my hands and move her hair out of his face.

My eyes widen as my blush a bit. Masumi looks so beautiful, so fragile and delicate looking. He reminds me of a flower. It's so beautiful and lovely but with a single touch, it'll be destroyed completely. What's catching my eyes more are his yellow eyes. As the light of the room shines down on his eyes, it shines brilliantly as a wild yellow rose in the beautiful meadow.

Just as we both lean in, it is ruin by none other than the host club themselves.

The twins and Tamaki push me out of the way, looking at Masumi who's dumbfounded. They all talk about his looks; looking like a girl. Meanwhile, I'm in the Tamaki corner, gloomy (Haninozuka and Haruhi are patting my back )because I could've kissed him right then and there. Wait...Why do I want to kiss him? Am I gay?

I look at Masumi who I finally notice he actually look like a girl. Masumi pushes them with an irritated look. He places his hair back into place before glaring, "Alright! I know that! I have the same look...As my mother. Now shut the hell up already!" They all hide behind Kyoya, who's writing things down in his black notebook.

Masumi let out an annoyed sigh before heading over to Hayami and Nathan, who's sleeping together on the enormous couch that we magically have. She carefully picks them up and holds them securely before trying to get their bags. Haruhi came over and help him, "Let me help." Masumi nods in agreement.

Haruhi bid her goodbye and left with Masumi, who didn't say anything nor bat an eye at them, at me, with the sleeping children. Tamaki whine about how his son hates him and how the twins talk about they have another day to live without getting themselves killed by the Rogue. I let out a sigh again without knowing my cousin looking at me with a concern expression.

Masumi POV

After Haruhi help me with holding the kids' bags, she left in a hurry because her father is going to be home by dinner time. When I place them on the clean couch, someone comes in. It was my aunt and uncle. My uncle is silent as always while aunt is chirping away. I give her a look with my index finger in front of my mouth, signaling her to be quiet.

She immediately shut her mouth and head over to where I am, smiling down at the children. She carefully sits beside them and caresses them. She wanted to adopt Nathan but I told her no because these two are destined to be a couple when they're older. Therefore, it would be very awkward and strange if they become siblings. She totally agreed with that.

My uncle stands next to me, looking down at me since he's like the same height as Kyoya. Maybe an inch or two taller than him. I groan, knowing what he means. I made my way to the kitchen and start making his favorite meal: a nice juicy steak with mash potatoes with our secret gravy recipes on top, and some veggies to the side.

Finally...A normal life. Excluding the high school anime drama. Let's just keep it that way. Hopefully.

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