Chapter: 19

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Masumi POV

Waking up early in the morning, I put on my glasses then went downstairs and see everything is a mess as my relative is naked on the couch. Unfazed by this scene, I got a clean blanket and cover them. I pick up the empty bottles and place them in the recycling bin, along with some other things. Meanwhile, I place the not empty ones into the fridge so they could be cold and fresh, knowing they prefer their favorite alcohol serve cold. After that, I clean the dirty messy and sigh in relief, knowing they didn't leave those stains on the furniture as I may need to get them to replace.

Then, I mop the floor as it's sticky. I would rather believe they've spilled alcohol that was left to dry. Once I finish, I went to wash their clothes and went to make them breakfast. When that's done, I place ice-cold bottles of water on the table. Glancing at the clock, I notice I have an hour before it's time for me to go to school. I decided to use that time to make myself lunch and take a quick shower.

However, when I finish brushing my teeth and my shower, I am about to place in my eye contacts.

"MASUMI!" Startle, I drop my eye contacts and watch them going down the drain.


I groan in annoyance before calling back, "Yes?"

"Can you make us some bacons?!" My Uncle asks.

I facepalm before replying back, "Sure! Be down in a minute!"

Putting on my clothes, I wear my glasses, place my headphones around my neck and went downstairs.

Putting on my clothes, I wear my glasses, place my headphones around my neck and went downstairs

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My aunt saw me and her eyes widen. She tears up before went to hug me closely as she cries. I am a deep reminder of her sister. She couldn't even bear to look at me but I didn't mind. After the outburst, I made some bacon for them and change my blazer as it was still wet from her tears.

"I'll be heading to school," I left, knowing they wouldn't really care about it as always.

I put on my headphones and let them take me away from reality. I am oblivious to the stares when I arrive at school. Even if I did, I don't give a shit about it. They're just poochies who have nothing better to do with their high school lives. Once I am in front of my classroom, I kick the door open and casually walk to my desk. People continue to look as they whisper about me.

I glance at them annoyed and confused as I see some of them are blushing. I shrug it off. I take my glasses off, unknowing I did it coolly. The girls squeal a bit. Luckily, I didn't hear them. All thanks to my headphones. I cover my mouth a bit and yawn. Decided to go to sleep, I place my glasses on my desk and went to sleep.

Haruhi POV

I watch in awe, seeing Masumi wearing glasses. He looks much hotter and I bet he could catch anyone heart. Curse you Masumi! you're making me question myself! Gah!

"What a shame," I look at Hikaru in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Masumi-San looks," he answers.

"I mean look at him, he could easily wrap the girls around his fingers," Kaoru points it out, "he has the looks and the talent to do so."

"He could easily join us," Hikaru states, "And I bet Kyoya would be delightful if he joins."

"Obviously," I roll my eyes, "Masumi-kun could easily raise the profit for the club."

"Hmm...Speaking of Masumi, doesn't he reminds you of someone?" Hikaru asks his brother.

"I think so but I don't know," He retorts.

I facepalm myself internally, I love them but they're idiots. Can't they recognize Masumi as Suki? I mean, come on! She only used natural makeup! You have seen them—I mean him the multiply times! Figure it out already!... Then again...I don't think she wants to be discovered. I let out a mushroom sigh,


It is after school and people stare at us, mainly Masumi as it is a new look for him. Apparently he would be wearing glasses for a couple of weeks until his contact lens is done and mail it to him. I knew Masumi wear glasses but only at home so I never ever imagine him to wear one. He looks very handsome, ugh! He's making me question my preference!

Masumi drop me off at the music room 3 and went back home. However, the three girls from before, the ones that he saves stop them. Their eyes shine as they blush.

"I heard people talking about how you're wearing glasses but I never expect it to be true!" One of them exclaims as they admire him.

"you look so handsome," Another spoke.

They seem to be comfortable around him since they know he isn't that heartless guy that people always been talking about, I thought as I continue to observe them.

Masumi places his hands in his pant pockets, "thanks. You'll be seeing me wearing glasses for a couple of weeks." They squeal.

"you should move your fringe! You'd look way better with them out of the way!" Just when she was about to move his fringe, he holds her wrist and looks down at her. They look surprised.

Masumi look at them expressionlessly, "Please refrain yourself from doing so. I prefer my hair to be like this."

"Ah, okay. Sorry," She moves away.

After that, Masumi bid his farewell and walk away. The girls and I watch him go into the distance of the seemingly never-ending hall.

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