Chapter: 11

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Masumi POV

The next day, I am wearing casual clothes; a plain white t-shirt, red and black plaid shirt with a hoodie connects it to it, dark, close to black, navy blue ripped skinny jeans and a simple black and white high top Vans. Also wearing my usual fingerless gloves and wearing a cool, badass looking sunglasses.

Waiting by the zoo gate patiently, Haruhi finally arrived. She's wearing a simple pink dress that goes a little below her knees, white sandal, and a bow in her hair. She looks a bit annoyed so it's most likely her father did this to her.

I chuckle a little while she pouts and glares at me, "It's not funny!"

I ruffle her hair, "It sure is. Besides, at least you look adorable, Haru-chan~"

She smacks my hand away, causing me to laugh a little more. I hold out my hand, "Shall we go, my lady?"

"We shall," She plays along. She takes my hand and walks into the zoo. She looks at me at the corner of her eyes, "You know, acting like this makes them want you to join even more."

"Tch. Why when they already have you?" I snort.

"Ye- hey!" She frowns at me. I snicker at her.

After that, we end up talking about random things as we look at different kinds of animals. She is very surprised by my knowledge of them. What can I say? My family loves animals.

Third POV

Tamaki and his crew follows the two as they both chat. They all blush when they saw the way Masumi smile. They are also stunned by this as they NEVER see him act like this.

After all, he has a reputation for being heartless, cold, emotionless, and a scary badass. He doesn't give one shit but apparently he's showing a side no one never really seen in their entire life. Little did they know, he isn't always like those rumors told them that he would be.

"Mommy! He's stealing her away from me!" Tamaki cry as the twins stop him from doing anything stupid as he watches Haruhi and Masumi arm hook together while the two laugh.

"They're simply hanging out Tamaki," Kyoya sigh as he pushes his glasses up before glancing over at the 'couple', "however, if we're able to get him to join and show this warm side of his, our profit surely raise up."

The twins deadpanned, "you and money." His glasses glint while he smirks.

"I don't think Sumi-Chan wants to join though," Hani said sadly, "he doesn't seem to like us very much."

"Well, we did accuse him of something he never did," Hikaru states

"Even though he helped Haruhi out when her things were a mess," Kaoru continues.

"Not to mention a certain someone punches him in the face," They all look at Tamaki who has been 'shot' by an arrow dramatically before going from sad to depress.

"Nonetheless, can we go home now?" Kyoya asks.

"No! We must supervi—" before Tamaki finishes his sentence, he saw a tiger in a cage, "LOOK! A KITTY!"

They all look and ended up exploring. So instead of stalking, they end up enjoying looking at all kinds of animals at the commoner zoo.

Masumi POV

The whole time, I saw the Host Club, from the very beginning. I didn't say anything to Haruhi because she'll end up not enjoying her time off as much as she is right now.

Currently, we left the zoo and get in my Black Ferrari. The exterior is dark grey and blue which looks awesome right now. Anyway, we decided to head over to the park.

Once we arrive, I park my car and come out. Then I help Haruhi out of the car. We ignore the stares as we walk into the park with a bag of bread.

We're heading to the duck pond which she's excited about since she hasn't done it since she was in middle school. When we arrive, I give her a slice of bread. She rips them into pieces and tosses one by one to each duck/duckling. (A bunch of Sasukes)

I sit on the bench as I watch until I felt a tug in my sleeve. I look down and see a little girl looking at me shyly and a bit scared.

I give her a warm, brotherly closed eyes smile and ask gently, "Hello young miss, how may I help you?"

She seems to relax a bit as she smiles shyly, "oniisan, c-can my friends a-and I have some br-bread to feed the ducks too?" I notice there's a few who want to as they wait impatiently for an answer.

I grin, "sure. Why not? They're plenty to share."

I open up the bag. She calls her friends over and they rush to get a slice of bread to feed the birds. I watch happily as everyone is having fun feeding the ducks.

Then a little boy fell and scraped his knee. He starts crying. My instinct kicks in and I hurry by his side, "are you okay? Let oniisan see."

He shows me his injuries need which is only a little scrape. I smile a little, "everything is gonna be okay. It'll hurt a little when I clean the dirt off. Can you be a brave boy?" He nods in response.

I take out a napkin and water to wash the dirt off. Next, take out that alcohol napkin thing to disinfect it. He winces a bit but did his best to stay strong. I smile at that. I place some Neosporin before placing a cute puppy bandage on it.

"See? That wasn't so bad, now was it?" I ask as he looks at his knee. He smiles and nods. I smile at his return and ruffle his hair, "thank you for being a brave boy. Now, why don't you join the others?" He nods and went over to his friends.

Before he did, he turns and yells, "thank you, Oniisan!" I give him a closed-eyes smile and wave.

Glad I could help.

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