Chapter: 48

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Masumi POV

Currently, we're on our way to Okinawa. Haruhi is stuck with Tamaki, and the twins while I'm in with Kyoya, Takashi, and Hani. I am being forced to go there. I groan on Takashi's lap as he pats my head as if it supposed to make me feel better.



It all started when I was casually walking away from my classroom because I had to give the teacher the assignments that I forgot to turn in earlier. Along with having a small meeting about my grades. It wasn't like my grades were bad. I'm currently the top of my class with all 100s. You might be expecting Haruhi to be the top for being an honor student, she's currently second since she has some trouble with her English class. We're reading Shakespeare so she has a hard time deciphering it. However, she is thankful that I am here to help so she still gets good grades without her scholarship get vetoed.

Anyway, while I was about to get off campus since I have a company to take care of, a certain pair threw a bag over my head and tie me up. They dragged me somewhere as I struggled to break free and call for help. Suddenly, they threw me into a car and shut the door. I managed to get out and all I see was Hani's happy face, Kyoya typing away, and Takashi with a smug face as if he was amused.

I glared at him, "Who are you looking at?" He looked away but still have that look on his face.

So now I'm resting my head on Takashi's lap as I grumble angrily quietly.

"You know, it's not so bad," Kyoya said as he glances at me through his glasses, "You're going to a beach; full of sun, sand, and sea. I bet someone like yourself would be excited to go there for his first time."

I snap at him, "I've been to a beach thank you very much with my family. Plus, I rather stay inside and work."

"On what?" he asks, looking at me with interest.

"None of your fucken business," I said until I realized something, "You guys kidnapped me when I don't have clothes!"

"Don't you fret about that, Mr.Tsukasa," He said as his glasses glare and he smiles, "Ranka-San did that for you. It's in the trunk with our things. Ranka also wants me to inform you to have fun and not worry about Hayami-Chan."

"Ugh...I hate my life..." Takashi pats my back.

"Oh, and make sure you two act like a couple~" He smiles. I glare at him. Kyoya and his stupid money.


When I finish changing into a shirt and shorts, I walk out with Takashi and Hani in front of my door. Takashi stares right down at me.


My fringe is currently covering my right eye. Change of style? Well, Takashi doesn't like it. He somehow got a pearl hairpins and put them in my hair. I pout. He simply pets my head like I'm a child.

"Let's go, you guys!" Hani takes our hands and drag us outside.

Right now we're swinging him like a mother and father would swing their child in a playful manner. I guess that's how it seems with the guests as they watch. I have a smile on my face as I watch Hani laughing as we swing him. I then notice Haruhi is sighing under a beach umbrella while Tamaki is flirting with the guests, Kyoya is escorting and servicing, and the twins are playing around. I chuckle. Before going to her side, I kiss Takashi's cheek and Hani's forehead. The girls squeal.

I sit beside Haruhi who is smirking, "Enjoying it~?"

"Oh shut up," I push her gently, before sighing.

She frowns, "What's wrong?"

"it's great and all but he doesn't know about me at all," I explain, "plus, he probably doesn't have the same feelings as me. It's only pretending at the request of Kyoya-Baka."

"You're so oblivious," She said.

"I could say the same thing for you," We both glare at each other before poking each other cheek. We ended up laughing like weirdos.

Fuck! The Ouran Host Club is rubbing off of us! CALL 911!

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