Chapter: 30

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Masumi POV

A couple of days after, I've been getting very popular for my cold but brotherly act. It's pretty annoying when they squeal like a bunch of disgusting pigs. That's it! Instead of calling them pooches, I'll call them pigs! Perfect! Nodding internally.

As I am chatting with the guests, meaning I am helping them with their homework, I notice at the corner of my eyes that Haruhi is having trouble holding the bags of groceries. Aka, commoner instant coffees. So being a great friend I am, I take most of the bags away. She looks at me with surprise expression before refusing my help. And guess how I respond.




I give her a closed-eyes smile and ruffles her hair, "It's fine. I wouldn't be a good brother if I didn't help my little bro out." Even though we're the same age...

But anyway, the girls' eyes show heart popping out as Haruhi and I walk over to the storage room. Once we arrive and no longer in plain sight, I put bags down, letting out a big, tired sigh. Haruhi giggles at me softly before patting my back to comfort me. I anime cry, "Who the fuck could handle all that squealing?! I'll be deaf real soon. Possibly bleed my ears out."

"I have no idea but guess what, I'm still alive," She joke.

I roll my eyes. We chat a little as we made some tea and instant coffee for the guest and our...Fellow hosts. Once that's done, we place them on a tray and walk out together to hand them out. As I did so, Hayami came charging at me, hugging me as she whines and I try not to spill anything. Once I manage to be stable, I let out a sigh of relief before looking at Hayami with a puzzle and an unhappy look.

"Hayami-Chan, you shouldn't be running into me like that. We could've gotten hurt if I were to spill the hot beverages," I scold her. She mumbles her apologize since her face in buried into my shirt. I place the tray down and crouch down to her level, "Now Hayami-Chan, tell Oniichan what's wrong."

"I want more cake but Nathan-Baka, Hani-nii-Baka, and Mori-nii-Baka said no, I can't have anymore," She looks at me with puppy eyes, the eyes that children always give me, "Please Niichan! Can I have more cake?"

I give her a stern look, "They are right. You shouldn't have any more cake. if you do, you're gonna get a tummy ache and maybe a cavity. That means you can't come to the Host Club and have any more dessert until you're all better. You don't want that to happen now do you?" She shakes her head. I give her a warm smile and ruffle her hair, "Good girl. Maybe after dinner, we have a small chocolate cookie ice cream sandwich. How does that sound?" Her eyes shine brightly and nod excitedly. I chuckle, "Good. Now run along now. Oniichan will be back after I finish serving everyone their drink."

"Okay, Oniichan!" She races off back to my table where Nathan, my customers, Hani, Takashi, and their customers are at.

I smile weakly and shake my head as I stand up. Now...I must finish these chores!


I have no idea what just happen. I am on the floor with Takashi on top of me as his face is close to mine. Club hours are over, Nathan and Hayami are currently napping after being tired out from playing and finishing their homework. But anyway, it all happens when I was chatting with Takashi. Meaning I was talking about we should have something more healthier snack and he spoke only with a grunt, Hn, and occasionally yes and no. It's pretty much a one-sided conversation but whatever.

As we were 'chatting,' the twins and Hani were running away from Tamaki. Apparently the twins prank Tamaki with Hani who happened to join with the twins out of some fun. They weren't looking so therefore, they bumped into Takashi who guard was down for some reason and he fell on top of me. that's how it went. Damn you, idiotic Hosts. I don't see how women fell in love with these bunch of morons. Excluding Haruhi, Takashi, Hani, and Kyoya.

Instead of Takashi getting off of me, he's simply staring into my eye. Meaning, everyone is holding, meaning the twins and Hani, are holding Tamaki back in the background as he was crying about Daddy and his usual whine. I didn't understand what's going on or why my heart race so quickly. Just because of a simple but awkward position and being close to each other.

All of a sudden...







Takashi moves my bang away, revealing my entire face.

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