Chapter: 10

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Third POV

At the music room 3, where the Host Club members are currently to have a very important meeting.

Hani is being sleepy as he rubs his eyes to stay awake while being on Mori's shoulder and hugging his cute little bunny. Meanwhile, the twins are messing with Haruhi who's annoyed by them and Kyoya typing away on his laptop. They're all waiting for the idiotic prince.

Tamaki comes out, pushing the twins away from his daughter as he exclaims happily and proudly, "WE'RE HERE TODAY TO RECRUIT MASUMI TSUKASA!"

Everyone but Mori and Kyoya gasps. "Why do you want to recruit him?" Kaoru asks. "I mean, I get he's good looking and all," Hikaru adds. "He's a good guy but everyone is afraid of him." The two said in sync.

Tamaki grin, "from what Kyoya and I observe with Haruhi's experience..." Haruhi looks down guiltily and worries, hoping it isn't about what she thinks it is as Tamaki continues, "he's a perfect host! Despite his cold and scary nature, he's kind and warm when he wants to be! Yes! He shall be the cold but warm knight type!"

I think Masumi-kun is more of a brother figure than a cold yet warm knight, Haruhi thought as she remembers all the time where Masumi acts like an older brother who's protective, and nice but always mess with her as if she's his younger sibling. Plus, isn't he a tsundere? But then again, I'm not sure that's the right word to describe him because he's naturally nice whenever he wants to, than covering up his good deeds. He simply made himself look cold and scary because of the rumors. And it's understandable if he prefers being alone. However, nonetheless, I think he's a brotherly type.

"I think it'll be a fun idea to let Masu-Chan join. Right Mori-Chan?" Hani exclaims as he asks Mori. Mori simply grunts and nod in agreement.

"If we have Tsukasa-San, surely the profit will grow once everyone knows he isn't the person that everyone thought he is," Kyoya smirks as he pushes up his spectacle up as the glass glint.

"Okay men! Operation mission! Capturing the Cold Knight and get him to join!" Tamaki shouts excitedly.


Haruhi sigh, "you guys, you can't force him to join. He has a life of his own and I doubt he wants to be in a club like ours..." as always, they aren't listening to her. She sighs, "they're gonna get themselves kill."

Masumi POV

In the greenhouse to look at the plant as I admiring their beauty. After all, nature is a wonderful and precious thing. As I am looking, I hear someone coming in.

I look to see a guy, no other than Ritsu Kasanoda with his "scary" expression. He looks at me, "what are you doing?"

I look at the plant as I touch their leaf gently, "admiring their beauty obviously. Say, are you the one who takes care of them?"

"Yeah," he replies, a bit uneasy around me as he notices who I am.

I get up and walk toward him and place my hand on his shoulder. I smile, "you did a good job. Better than anyone else. I hope you continue taking care of them with love and care." I walk away, leaving a shocked male with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

As I am walking to the Rose Maze, someone tries to grab my arms from both sides. My natural instinct and reflex kicks in, causing me to kick the two away from me.

I look to see it is no other than the twin, laying in the grass as they groan in pain. I raise a brow, "uh, what do you pooches think you're doing?"

"Trying to capture you, obviously," they both reply.

I sweatdrop, "well duh but why?"

"To recruits a fine man as yourself!" Tamaki smiled, popping out of nowhere, causing me to punch him.

"Oops sorry. Didn't mean that" I said looking down at him as he's in pain, "you shouldn't really sneak on people like that." I stretch, "so why are you recruiting me?"

"To join the Host Club of course!" He exclaims, recovering quickly as his eyes shine and face near me.

I look at him, unamused as I push him away, "no thanks."


























I glare at him, "I SAID NO!"

He whimpers as he hides behind Kyoya. Along with the twins while Hani hides behind Mori. Meanwhile, Haruhi let out a mushroom sigh.

I roll my eyes at them, "I'll be taking my leaves now." Then I smirk, "See you on our date tomorrow, Haru-Chan."


"Okay. see you then," She said.

I walk away, leaving Haruhi dealing with Tamaki's complex and shit. Don't blame me. Blame the author. (Author: You're not supposed to know that I and the audience existence!) Too late bitch. (Don't make me reveal all your secrets! Especially your secret collection!)

My eyes widen, YOU WOULDN'T DARE! (Author:*grins evilly* You wanna try?) Fuck you! (You said, something bitch? Just a few buttons away revealing it.) I said I apologize for my behavior and that I love you. (Hmph! Thought so! Anyway, I hope you guys like it~)

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