Chapter: 21

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Tamaki POV

Haruhi quickly moves back, away from Kyoya's laptop. We watch in shock as her expressions show full of horror and disbelief. Without realizing, she bumps into another vase which costs twice as much as the last.

"Crap..." She mumbles, grumbling incoherent words.

Kyoya sigh, "here I thought you learned your lesson."

"S-Sorry...I'll try to pay off," Haruhi bows.

"We'll discuss that another time. What's happen?" I ask. I never saw her act like this. They're only information.

"N-nothing," She quickly replies.

I look at her with a serious expression, "Haruhi..."

"I'm sorry but it isn't my right to tell you!" She yells, "Please, leave that matter alone and let Masumi deal with it. Anyway, I need to go. Bye." Haruhi quickly gathers her things and scurries off, not even once looking back. Nor giving us a chance to say something.

I watch sadly. Kaoru looks at me, "What are we going to do?"

"Yeah, boss. We can't exactly get answers or else we'll get killed," Hikaru mention.

"We'll do nothing, men," I sigh, "As much as I hate it, Tsukasa-kun doesn't want us bugging into his life."

"But Haru-Chan seems to be very upset. Plus, we promise Rachie-Chan we'll help him," Hani reminds us as he holds onto his pink little bunny.

"I just don't know!" I exclaim as I look down, "I don't know what to do!"

"Be patient," We all look at Mori. We expect him to say more but he stayed silent as if we should already know.

Mori and I look into each other eyes. My eyes widen in realization, "You're right! We should take time and get to know him personally! It may take a while but if that's what makes everyone happy, then so it will be!"

"yes but one problem"

"He doesn't like us."

The twins deadpanned as I look down in defeat.

"if we give him a cake, then he'll like us!" Hani exclaims, " Right Takashi?" he grunts in agreement.

"Okay men! Operation: Befriending the Rogue!" I exclaim excitedly.


Mori POV

Currently is night time, my cousin is sleeping but probably eating some of his night time snacks. I decided to take a small scroll since I couldn't sleep. As I walking through a park, looking up at the sky, not paying attention, I bump into something. More like someone. I look down and see Masumi Tsukasa, aka the Rogue.

Masumi groans and rubs his behind, "Damn." Then he realizes I am there.

Our eyes lock as we are stuck in a trance. Without realizing, I kneel down and place my hand on his cheek, caressing under his revealing eyes. Then, subconsciously, I move his hair away. My eyes widen as I stare at Masumi's beautiful yellow eyes. Even though he's extremely good looking, his eyes are the ones that catch my full attention.

So...Beautiful, I thought as I continue to caress him ever so gently.

We lean in close until Masumi snap out and moves away from me, which shock me. Masumi stands up and avoids eyes contact with me, "I need to go. Night Takashi-senpai. Stay safe."

I watch him run away as I realized that I am hard down below, how...? I then remember Masumi's face, why does he look oddly familiar when we already have seen each other before?

Shrugging it off, I walk away as I quickly go home and take a cold shower.

Masumi POV

The next day, I had a hard time sleeping last night as my mind keep going back to Takashi. I blush deeply every time I thought of him. Damn these hormones!!! I sigh in annoyance as I look off to the side line, mumbling, "I doubt he'll like me anyway..."

"Who doesn't likes you?" I jump. I turn to see Haruhi, giggling at me.

I glare at her, "Asshole."

"Oh don't be like that," She smiles innocently as she wraps her arms around one of my arm, "So~ Does Masumi have a crush~?"

I blush and look away quickly, "N-No way in hell!"

Haruhi fake gasps, "Masumi Tsukasa! The Rogue stuttered?! Not to mention her face turn bright pink like the color of our school!"

"Ugh! Shut up already!" I flick her forehead.

"Hey!" She pouts before going back to normal, "Anyway, who's the guy you like?"


Her eyes widen in SHOCK.

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