Chapter: 53

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Haruhi POV

It's currently summertime, I'm with my Dad friend Bed and Breakfast called Pension Mizusu as always. Whenever Dad had to stay late and do other things during the summer, he always sent me there. It's fun here and a nice change of pace. Nice and sunny with more fresh air and a breather. Not to mention I'm away from those damn imbeciles.

I'm still extremely angry with them. Kicking Masumi out because she couldn't protect me. Yeah, she's strong but she isn't invincible! Masumi tried her best to protect me! If she could rewind time and did things differently, she could easily save me then. After all, Masumi is a type of woman who would protect those who are close to her. Even if it meant risking her life. I know Masumi. I met her when we were younger but we didn't spend time together at all. Maybe a small wave once in a while when we see each other. That's about it. Until we start speaking in high school.

I haven't really noticed but my father was extremely close to her and especially with her parents. No surprise there. The Tsukasa is a very chill and open family. If your bi, gay, cross-dresser, transsexual, etc, they'll accept you no matter what. They never judge unless it was playful. Never discriminate. They welcome you in open arms with a smile on their faces.

Anyway! Enough about that! I'm happy that Masumi is safe and alright! Thank Nekozawa-senpai, she's safe! Along with Hayami! However, it's upsetting that she lost her right eye. Now she looks like a pirate. She even sent me a picture of her new phone.

As I am happily thinking about Masumi and putting the bedsheets up, out of nowhere, a helicopter came, causing the bedsheets to fly away, with Tamaki and the gang inside.



The Host Club comes in, Misuzu is pleased and happy go as ever, seeing a bunch of 'handsome, young guys' in his pension as they paid for the missing sheets that they caused. While I'm more annoyed as ever. Believing this summer vacation would be the best turn into the worse one yet. I sigh in annoyance.

After that, we chat outside. They invite me to go to different places while Tamaki becomes upset since I don't give any of my attention. Not like I want to anyway. He's the main reason why Masumi isn't with me back at home! Being by my sides like a sister and mother that she is to me!

The twins then complain about how I turn off the phone that they have given me. This catch Tamaki's attention. I then complain about how they're here and how annoying before I yell at them to leave. However, Kyoya said with his glasses glaring, "According to the school's handbook, having a part-time job is prohibited."

"but Masumi-Chan has a job and she didn't get in trouble," I point out.

The mention of her name causes them trouble. Kyoya clears his throat, "Even so, she has permission from the school to have one. Looking at the school data, they have no records of allowing you to have one." This places me in a corner as the twins taunt me about it. Then Tamaki mentions how they could spend their summer however they want as I could.

But then I remember something. Before I could do something, it was too late.

"Haruhi-Chan...? You guys...?"

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