The Mario Purge II

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After a while, the rocket landed back on Earth, as everyone walked out.

SmeshBras123: That was awesome!

Infinite: Indeed! I had a lot of fun!

Crystal: I didn't expect you to move Planet Blade to our Solar System, honey...

Clark: Me neither... How did you do that?

Infinite: Well, I am a god. We gods can pretty much do anything, right Smesh?

SmeshBras123: Right!

The two gods high-fived each other, as Crystal and Luna smiled.

Clark: Let's head into the castle and tell everyone our experience.

Infinite: Okie dokie.

Luna: Wait, why does the castle have so many defenses?

SmeshBras123: Wha?

Infinite: The hell? I'll knock and see what's going on-

Tons of sentry guns rose shot out of the ground, and aimed at Infinite.

SmeshBras123: AH!

Infinite: WHOA!

Everyone then heard SMG4's voice over a loudspeaker.

SMG4: Oh, it's just you guys. Let them in, Saiko.

The doors opened, as everyone walked in. 

Luna: Saiko, what's going on?

Saiko: The purge has returned...

Infinite: Oh no...

SmeshBras123: Is it the teletubbies again?

Saiko: Yes... 

Clark: Ah, fishsticks...

Crystal: Well, we gotta deal with these multicolored freaks.

Infinite: Indeed.

Mario: Those fucks will be coming here soon! 

Bowser: We gotta be prepared for a fight!

Francis: Where are Deathwind and Sapphire?

Luna: Grandpa and grandma are going to stay on Planet Blade for a while.

Francis: Oh, alrighty then.

Clark: Hmm... I don't see anything coming to the castle...

SMG4: Tari, (Y/N) and Meggy are on the roof, looking out for any signs of danger.

Crystal: Okay.

Infinite grabbed his sword, and sharpened it with a rock.

SMG4: While we wait, how about we observe some mem-

Luigi's radio started to go crazy, he screamed and picked it up.

Infinite: Who's that?

Luigi: H-hello?

Tari: Luigi, they're coming!

Luigi: Oh, no! The teletubbies are coming! 

Crystal: Get ready, everyone!

Infinite: Time to kick some tubbie ass!

The teletubbies climbed over a hill, and started walking towards the castle.

Tari: Ready?

(Y/N): Yep!

Meggy: Hey, boys!

Teletubby: WHAT?

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