Mario Hunger Games (2/2)

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Daytime arrived and Mario woke up to find some rodents going through his bag.

Mario: Dafuq?

Rats: Huh?

Mario: Hey! Get the hell out of there!


Mario: Oi!

The rats escaped as Mario growled.

Mario: Damn it, they stole nearly all of the food! Wait... Raiko?

Raiko was nowhere to be found, Mario got up and looked around for her.

Mario: Raiko? Raiko! Where are you?

Mario walked for a little bit and saw some claw marks on the ground.

Mario: Claw marks...? Uh oh, what happened while I was asleep?

The plumber grabbed his bag and knife and started to walk deeper into the woods.

Mario: Hmm... Where the hell did she go...? 

???: STOP!

Mario: Wot?

Laura: Hammer time!

Mario: WHOA!

Mario just managed to dodge a hammer which was thrown at him.

Laura: SHET!

Mario: ...Laura, what the hell?!

Laura: I'm gonna destroy you, Mario.

Mario: Uh oh. O_O

Laura lifted a giant sword and ran towards Mario.



Mario: EEP!

Laura started to catch up as Mario tripped over.

Mario: OOF! Oh no, my leg is caught on a tripwire!

Laura: I'm gonna getcha!

Mario: *Head shrinks*

Mario: Wait... What's that sound?

Laura went to stab Mario when a log suddenly came out of the bushes and hit her in the face.

Laura: ARGH!!!

Laura went flying and got impaled on a branch.

Mario: Hori shiato!

Laura: Ow... Fuck...!

Mario: Did the tripwire do that...? :O

Laura coughed blood out as Mario approached her.

Laura: Get me off here...!

Mario: ...No. You tried to kill me.

Laura: A-ack...! It hurts...!

Mario: I'm sure it does.

Mario grabbed Laura's head and snapped her neck.

Laura: *Heavy voice* I am ded.

Mario: Wait... Oh, shit. Turco and Jen are nearby, aren't they?

Turlandb: Laura?! Where'd you go?

Jen: Laura!

Mario: Crap...

Mario grabbed Laura's stuff and ran off while panting.

Mario: Oh, fuck... I gotta pin that on someone else... 

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