Mario's Challenge II

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Mario danced while thinking of more evil schemes to plot against the Multiversal Heroes.

Mario: *Retarded singing*

Greg: *Alien language*

Mario: Yeah, I can't think of anything evil to do, Greg... Hmm... 

The plumber grabbed a laptop and began to look through his YouTube channel and laughed.

Mario: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SMG4 slapping Crystal's ass and getting owned is the most funniest thing ever! Now, for another video-

Then one specific video caught his eye. It was Mario's Challenge from September 2017.

Mario: Oooooooooooooooh... That brings back a lotta memories! Hmm... OH! *Junkrat voice* I'VE GOT AN IDEA!

Greg: ...?

Take 2... (Also, he held up three fingers when he said "Two things". Nice job guys)

Mario: Okay, maybe something a bit LESS explosive. How about Mario's Challenge II?

Greg clapped in response to the idea, as his alien brethren joined in.


Alien 2: BEST. IDEA. EVER!

Mario: Thank you, everyone! Now, we can easily set this up by using the Doge Stone! 

The plumber snatched the Doge Stone from the table and laughed evilly.


Mario jumped out of the UFO and began to use the Doge Stone to build his evil scheme.

Greg: ...

Alien 3: You're lucky to have a friend like Mario.

Greg: *Alien language*

Mario: *Chainsaw noises* 

SB123 B0b: HeY, MaRiO! nEeD sOmE hElP?

B0b: WhAt ArE yOu BuIlDiNg?

Mario: FUCK OFF!

Mario punched both of the garos launching them away.

B0b/SB123 B0b: Ow, OuR oVaRiEs!

Mario: Now, to continue with my art! I swear, this will be put in a museum!


Infinite: How do you feel now, Luna?

Luna: Way better, but still sore. I'm gonna get back in the fight.

Raiko: You sure, Beautiful Luna?

Luna: Don't worry, Raiko. I have dad's durability, so it won't take some parasite to keep me down.

Clark: Alright then, Cutie-pie.

Luna jumped from the table and cracked her neck as she picked her Sword of Hope up.

Luna: Let's do this shit.

John and Gabe walked into the building.

Antasma: Vhat's up?

John: We have interesting news.

Infinite: What is it?

Gabe: A few jackals reported to us that Mario was found doing something with the Doge Stone. We're not sure what it is, but it looks big.

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