If Mario Was In... GTA IV

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Mario and Smart Mario was at the airport with Infinite, Crystal, Smesh and Cristina. Smart Mario had taken some money out of Peach's bank account so they could go on holiday for a while.

Infinite: You know... I need this. 

Crystal: Same here! Plus, we'll be gone for only a few days. We just need a break, that's all.

SMG4: Understandable. Things have been hell lately.

Splendid: Yep...

Aeris: Where are you even going?

Infinite: Well, we've decided to go to a nice hotel at Swag Island! It's a five-star hotel, and there's tons to do there!

Blizzard: We'll keep an eye out for you guys.

Infinite: Alrighty then. Machito and Phoenix? You're the leaders of the Multiversal Heroes until we get back.

Machito: You can count on us, brother!

Phoenix: Yep! 

Loudspeaker: Flight 180 will be taking off in ten minutes!

Infinite: Well, see ya guys!

Crystal: Bye!

Smart Mario: Let's a go!

The six waved goodbye to their friends and walked towards their plane.

Infinite: Well, this will be a small but great holiday!

Cristina: Yeah!

Everyone sat down and waited for a while, until they were called and showed their passports.

Infinite: The island is about four hours from here, so it's not that much of a trip.

Mario: *Retarded singing* Come on, guys!

Infinite and the others followed Mario, but didn't realize that Mario had taken them onto the wrong plane.

Infinite: Seems like there's not many people on this plane.

Crystal: Hey, that's good!

Mario took his seat and started sniffing the air for food.

Smart Mario: Be patient, Mario. The food will come soon.

Mario: Grrr! Fine!

Swagmaster: Hello everyone, we're the pilots!

Chris: Yay...

Smesh: *Thoughts: Jesus, how many jobs do these guys have?*

Cristina: *Thoughts: At this rate, these two may beat Luigi for the amount of part-time jobs he takes.*

Chris: Damn it... Being a pilot is going to be so boring, but it pays off because of the huge pay.

Swagmaster: Damn right it does! If we keep this up, Chris... We'll be able to have all of the sexeh bitches in this world!

Chris looked at the passengers and facepalmed.

Chris: Please ignore him. He's retarded.

Mario: *Derp face* I can relate!

Chris and Swagmaster took control of the plane, and began to move it around the airfield.

Infinite: Well, soon we'll be at Swag Island-

Swagmaster: I hope you all enjoy this flight to Liberty City, a place of endless opportunity! 

Infinite/Crystal/Smesh/Cristina: *Jontron voice* WHAT?!

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