R64: Spaghet Problems

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Everyone was outside the castle, as a bunch of police cars showed up.

FM: Alright, alright, what's going on here?

Infinite: Mario... He's going insane. You remember the time when Peach made him sell all that spaghetti?

X: Yes...?

Crystal: Well, she somehow managed to remember that event, now she's taken all of Mario's spaghetti away and she's told him to actually do some business work.

FM: What kind of business work, though?

Infinite: It's actually all a blur... When she confiscated all of that spaghetti, Mario had a shit fit and he knocked me out. 

Smesh: MXR Mario is inside of the castle running around naked with bloodshot eyes. 

Cristina: *Sigh*

SMG4: I also have to buy a new computer now, he broke my current one!

Tari: He shattered one of my controllers... 

SB123 Tari: He stabbed Archibald...!

Machito: Grrr...

FM tossed a tranquilizer gun over to X, as he caught it and looked through the window to see Mario twitching.

Mario: Peach... Will... Die...! Spaghetti...! *Slurping noises*

X fired a dart, which went into Mario's neck.

Mario: OH! Whoa... I'm seeing pretty colors... Drugs for days...

Mario collapsed, as X jumped through the window and hauled the plumber outside.

FM: Good job, X. That dart had a drug in it which will calm him down when he wakes up.

Meggy: Phew...

SB123 Mario: At least that bitch didn't take my stash of spaghetti. :D

SB123 Meggy: *Giggle*

Infinite: Thanks for the help, officers. 

FM: You're welcome. Alright, let's go.

The two Mario recolors hopped into their vehicle and drove off.

Mario: Zzz... Ahh, spaghetti...

Luna: You alright, dad?

Infinite: A bit sore on the forehead, but I'm okay. Now, what do we do with Mario?

Cristina: I say while he's knocked out, we continue to beat him up!

Jen: Agreed!

Clauds: Yeah!

Crystal: Let's kick his ass again!

Aeris: Hey, it was just a prank!

Clauds: A PRANK?!

Cristina: Aeris, are you kidding me?! He slapped all of our asses! He even slapped your Meggy's ass!

Aeris: T-true, but haven't you already beat him up enough?

Infinite: I do have to agree with Aeris... We do abuse Mario sometimes... And that's not right.

Crystal: *Sigh* Okay, honey.

Jen: *Thoughts: I'm still gonna kick his ass, though.*

Three hours later...

Patrick: I need more time cards, ASAP.

The plumber woke up on the couch and shook his head.

Mario: Oof... What happened?


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