Mario SAW II

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The room's lights turned on, as Infinite began to wake up and opened his eyes.

Infinite: Agh... The fuck? Where am I?

Around him, were Mario, Smesh, Machito, Bob and Crystal who began to wake up as well.

Crystal: H-huh...? Where are we?

B0b: DaMn. I wAs In ThE mIdDlE oF lOoKiNg At HeNtAi, ThEn I'm HeRe!

Machito: What even is this room...?

Smesh: Hmm... We're in a bathroom, but why?

Infinite: No idea. But we're gonna get to the bottom of this-

Suddenly, a TV turned on displaying static.

Infinite: Dafuq?

Mario: Umm...

Crystal: What's going on?

The TV then changed to a puppet that strangely looked like Luigi.

Mario: Luigi...?

Luigi Puppet: ...Hello everyone. I want to play a game.

B0b: A gAmE?


Luigi Puppet: No, you big piece of shit!

Mario: *Le sad face*

Infinite: Luigi, did you throw us into this room?!

Luigi Puppet: Maybe! Maybe not! I might not even be Luigi!

Smesh: Okay, that's just creepy.

Crystal: Whoever you are, you're gonna get a big ass kicking!

Luigi Puppet: Oh my god, I'm so scared! Anyways, this room is set to blow in five minutes. The key to the door is inside the toilet... Except that the toilet bowl is full of needles.

Infinite: WHAT?!

Smesh: UGH! That's disgusting! Used needles?!

Crystal looked into the toilet and gagged a little.

Machito: Come on, really?!

Luigi Puppet: Better do it quick. Let the game begin.

The TV went static again, as Infinite looked at Bob.

B0b: HuH?

Infinite: Bob! Fish the key out with your sword arms!

Smesh: Smart thinking, Infinite!

B0b: No.

Infinite: Bob, do it! Do you want to die?!

B0b: MeH. 

Infinite: *Sigh* What about all that hentai of yours?

B0b: Oh, ShIt! I cAnNoT dIe YeT! I hAvE sO mUcH hEnTaI tO lOoK aT!

The Garo reached into the toilet bowl and moved his sword arm through the needles.

B0b: MaN. iT sMeLlS.

Crystal: Yeah, it does... God, that reeks!

Machito: Ugh...

Bob fished the key out of the toilet bowl and threw it at Infinite, as he caught it and unlocked the door leading outside.

Smesh: Well, that's over with.

Infinite: I don't think so... I don't like the look of this hallway...

Crystal: Same here... Looks kinda suspicious...

Machito picked a brick up and threw it into the hallway, and nothing happened.

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now