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Omegammoth: Grrr!

GodJackal: Stop right there, Omegammoth!

Infinite: We can do this either the easy way or the hard way!

Shadownova watched from above and sighed.

Shadownova: ...He is going to die. 


Shadownova: Hmm? What is it, Void?

Void: B-Blizzard and a few others found the Weegee Stone on Noveria! They're on the planet right now going to it's location!

Shadownova: WHAT?! No, we must stop them! Tell the pilots to set course for Noveria!

Void: On it, Lord Shadownova!

Shadownova looked down at Omegammoth and sighed as the Midnight World Eater flew into the sky.

Infinite: Hey, they're going somewhere!

Flashwing Crystal: I say we should follow them!

GodJackal: Agreed. Okay, you two go after Shadownova just in case. The rest of us will stay here and fight Omegammoth.

Infinite: Got it, GodJackal. Alright, let's head to Noveria!

Flashwing Crystal: Yeah!

Luna Avenger waved goodbye to the other Mechas and flew after the Midnight World Eater.

Flashwing Crystal: Hmm... Does this thing have camouflage?

Infinite: Actually, it does?

Flashwing Crystal: Oh?

Infinite pressed a few buttons and Luna Avenger turned completely invisible.

Flashwing Crystal: Nice! They won't be detecting us now!

Infinite: Hmm, I wonder what's going- *His Multidimensional Phone begins to ring*

Crystal: Huh?

Infinite: *Answers the call* Hello?

Blizzard: Hey, Infinite!

Infinite: Blizzard? What is it?

Blizzard: We located the Weegee Stone on Noveria! We've arrived at the location and just looking for it!

Infinite: You did?! Nice work, Blizzard!

Flashwing Crystal: Wait... Is that why Shadownova suddenly took off in his giant spaceship?

Infinite: O_O

Flashwing Crystal: Uh oh...

Blizzard: Huh? What's going on?

Infinite: You guys need to prepare! Shadownova is coming!

Blizzard: *Jontron voice* WHAT?!

Infinite: Yep... :/

Blizzard: AH, SHIT! Thanks for the heads up, I'll let the others know!

Infinite: *Nods* See ya!

Infinite put his Multidimensional Phone back into his pocket.

Flashwing Crystal: Shit... That isn't good. I knew there was a reason why as to Shadownova bolted off like that.

Infinite: Yep... However... *Holds up the Troll Stone* We can use this to our advantage!

Flashwing Crystal: Damn right we can!

Meanwhile on Noveria, Blizzard looked through some rocks and found something.

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