Supermassive Beings

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GodJackal meditated in his mountain peacefully but began to sense something was wrong.

GodJackal: ...What is this energy? It's... Somewhat familiar... 

???: GodJackal!

GodJackal opened his eyes and turned around to see Infinite.

GodJackal: Ah, young Infinite. What do you require?

Infinite: Follow me back to Earth... Something happened in the arctic...

GodJackal's eyes widened, thinking about a possible return of an old enemy.

GodJackal: No... I hope it is not what I fear... 

Infinite: It may be, GodJackal... 

GodJackal teleported himself and Infinite to the arctic on Earth, a massive block of ice had been shattered into pieces as scientists studied it.

GodJackal: No... It can't be... H-how?

Infinite: ...I hate to tell you this, GodJackal, but...

Infinite pointed at the massive footprints leading towards the ocean.

Infinite: ...Omegammoth is back.

GodJackal: ...It cannot be... Impossible...! That ice I froze him in all those years ago is unbreakable! How could of he escaped...?!

Infinite: ...Shadownova. 

GodJackal: Shadownova?

Infinite: I know he did it, and why he did it.

GodJackal: Hmm?

Infinite: He's hunting for the next Meme Stone, this is just a distraction.

GodJackal: The Weegee Stone. That's on Blizzard's home planet, Noveria.

Infinite: Uh oh... That's not good. From what I hear, that planet is extremely dangerous, so we may be fine...?

GodJackal: I will inform Blizzard about the situation, better safe than sorry.

Infinite: Yeah. 

GodJackal: However... I hate to say this, but due to Omegammoth's escape... There is a ninety-nine percent chance that due to this event many other Titans will begin to awake from their slumber.

Infinite: Oh no... That means we're gonna have to run evacuations across the planet.

GodJackal: Leave that to the jackals, Infinite. I feared this would happen one day, and I have prepared for it. 

Infinite: Oh?

GodJackal: You shall see very soon-

The ground began to shake as the scientists screamed and ran.

Infinite: Another Titan?!

GodJackal: No, Omegammoth is coming! Infinite, alert your friends! I will deal with this.

Infinite nodded and teleported back to the castle.

Infinite: Titans...? Oh, I do not like this... I wonder how Turco will react to this...

Meanwhile in Inkopolis, SB123 Mario and SB123 Meggy shared a kiss while watching a movie.

SB123 Mario: I'm glad you're okay, Meggy... What that bastard did to you... I'll never forget, and I'll make sure I have a part in making him bleed out on the floor.

SB123 Meggy smiled and kissed SB123 Mario on the nose.

SB123 Meggy: Thanks, Mario... Being in that coma was... Terrifying... All I could see was complete darkness, and I could only hear the voices of our friends in the distance.

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