There's Something Up With Laura...

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Laura laid on the grass outside of the castle, looking at the moon and stars above slowly drifting throughout the sky.

Laura: ...Luna... *Sigh* You may be a part of me now, but I can only see you once per day... It's not fair at all...

Clark and Raiko sat next to Laura and looked down at her.

Raiko: Hey, Laura...

Clark: Still... Upset?

Laura: Yes... I really need to be left alone for now...

Raiko: Okay, Laura... We want to help. You've been... Kinda absent from the rest of us recently, and you're too busy trying to kill Void... I say you should rest for now.

Laura: But... She's the reason Luna is dead... Just leave me alone!

Clark: Laura... Please-


Raiko: O_O

Clark: O_O

Raiko: Okay, Laura...

Clark: *Sigh*

Clark and Raiko were about to walk off when suddenly a plate of spaghetti hit Laura in the face.

Laura: OOF!!!

Mario: Oh, good going, idiot!

M96 Mario: Hey, shut up!

SB123 Mario: *Facepalm*

Clark: L-Laura...?

Laura grabbed the plate of spaghetti and ripped it off her face, a look of pure hatred was on her eyes.

Raiko: Uhhh...

Clark: Laura...?

Laura looked up at Raiko and Clark and she summoned a group of Power Stars.

Raiko: Huh?!

Laura: I've found you, Shadownova and Void...! Now, I'll kill you both!

Clark: What the?! Laura, it's us!

Raiko: Oh no... She's gone crazy...

Laura smiled and threw the Power Stars at the couple.

Clark: AH!

Raiko:  *Hits the Power Stars back with her hammer* Clark, we should run!

Clark: A-agreed!

Raiko and Clark started to run as Laura summoned her Star Hammer and chased after them.

Clark: L-Laura! Calm the hell down!


Raiko: Oh, fuck!

Raiko and Clark dodged a Grand Star but fell into the castle moat.

Clark: WHOA!

The two fell into the water below and resurfaced.

Laura: Grrr!

Raiko: *Gulp*

Clark: Uh oh-

Laura threw her Star Hammer into the water, causing water to splash everywhere and Raiko and Clark went flying out of the moat.



The couple crashed through a window and got up.

Raiko: Oof...

Clark: Ouch...

Laura kicked the castle doors down and gave Clark and Raiko a death stare.

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