Storm, The Jackal Beast

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Infinite and the Multiversal Heroes arrived back on Earth, as Crystal, Cristina and Jen started treating everyone's injuries.

Turlandb: Heh heh... Thanks, gals.

Blackfang: Shadownova and Void all did quite a number on us. 

Lost: Oof... Yeah...

Infinite: Ever since Shadownova inflicted that curse on me, he always appears in my dreams telling me how we can't defeat him. 

Cristina: Oh, we will defeat him!

Smesh: He's just trying to make you lose your motivation, bestie. Don't listen to the bullshit he says.

Infinite: Oh, I won't listen to what he says, Smesh. But I'm still worried.

Crystal: Huh? Why is that, honey?

Infinite: Because Shadownova mentioned that the Sanic Stone was somewhere on Planet Blade, and that concerns me a lot. My race could be in danger.

Turlandb: Oh, we'll stop Shadownova from getting the Sanic Stone.

Antasma: Speaking of vhich, vhat does the Sanic Stone even do?

Infinite: It's the Time Stone of the group.

Mario: OH, SHIT!

SMG4: Uh oh, das not good.

Cristina: Damn right it isn't...

Infinite: And worse, the Meme Stones are stronger than the Infinity Stones.

SMG4: Well, obviously! They're filled with the power of the sacred memes!

Smesh: Should we head back to Planet Blade and see if we can obtain it before Shadownova does?

Infinite: Sounds like a plan. 

Antasma: I'll come along.

Laura: Me too.

Raiko: Same here.

Luna: Count me in!

Aeris: I'll hop along!

Cristina: Me and Jen will stay behind so we can heal the injured.

Infinite: Got it. Alright, let's go.

Mario: Hey, can I hop along?

B0b: SaMe, ThIs HaS sPaRkEd My InTeReSt.

Infinite teleported himself and the group back to Planet Blade and saw repairs being done on buildings.

Luna: Man, what happened earlier was really chaotic...

Raiko: It was...

Antasma: And just vhat we fuckin' need... Another traitorous Jackal.

Mario: Oooooooooh... Very scary!

B0b: I cAlL dIbS oN tHe SaNiC sToNe If We FiNd It.

Infinite: Bob, no.

The ground began to slightly shake.

Raiko: Huh? Do you guys feel that?

Infinite: What the hell is that?

Laura: Uhhh... 

The shaking got more violent, as a few car alarms echoed in the distance.

Mario: Whatever it is... Imma kick it's ass!

The shaking stopped, as Storm walked around the corner and growled.

Infinite: S-Storm?


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