R64: Kitchen Stupidity

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Infinite and Crystal watched TV, on it was Bowser's cooking show as the Koopa King chopped some chicken up.

Bowser: After that, just cook the chicken in the oven for twenty minutes and you're done! I hope you all enjoy this dish! Until next time! Lataaaaaaaaaaaaa!

The cooking show ended and switched to the news channel.

Infinite: Bowser has gone on to be quite the world famous chef.

Crystal: Yeah, it's impressive to see how much Bowser has improved ever since he and Mario did their first cooking episode.

Infinite: And that still feels like it happened yesterday... 

Smesh: Time flies, huh bestie?

Infinite: Indeed it does-

The cooking show suddenly came back on, displaying Bowser who looked a little exhausted.

Bowser: Oh, I almost forgot something! This is a message to Crystal! I challenge you... TO A COOK OFF! 

Crystal: *Eyes sparkle*

Bowser: Here's the deal... If I win, I keep my crown and you have to stop selling your cook books... If YOU win, I'll give you my crown and I will downgrade my kitchen a bit.

Crystal: It's a deal, Bowser...

Bowser: I'll be looking forward to seeing what you cook! Anyways, come to my studio anytime you like, and we'll get started! Now, back to the news channel.

Crystal: ...It's on, Bowser.

Infinite: This sounds like it'll be quite a challenge!

Crystal: Oh, Bowser will be quite the tough cookie, but he's getting cocky. Now... LET'S DO THIS! EPIC TRAINING MONTAGE!

The couple ran into the kitchen, as the others began to watch from outside.

SMG4: Heh heh, this is gonna be good.

Crystal set up a bunch of equipment and cracked her knuckles.

Crystal: Let's do this!

Infinite cheered Crystal on as she flipped multiple eggs with one pan, quickly cut vegetables up, put frosting on hundreds of cakes, and served drinks to everybody.

Mario: Hmm... Oh, thank you!

Crystal started to sweat but continued on with her training.

Infinite: Woohoo! Go on, sweetie!

During this montage, Bowser was running around his studio getting everything ready for the cook off.

Lakitu: Bowser, the audience is ready to go!

Bowser: Ah, good! What about everything else?

Lakitu: Stage lights... Check! Kitchen... Check! New employee-

A piano fell from the ceiling and fell on top of Bowser.

Bowser: OH, GOD!!!



Dr. Octoagunapus was dragged out of the studio yelling, as Lakitu used his magic to get the piano off of Bowser.

Lakitu: You okay, sir?

Bowser: Yeah... Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've been getting crushed by multiple moons lately and I have NO idea why.

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